Дата: 12 ноября 2003 (2003-11-12)
От: Timofey Sosnovski
* Forwarded by Timofey Sosnovski (2:5019/21.9)
* Area : SMOLENSK.ECHO (Echo from /21)
* From : Andrew Koval, 2:5019/28.14 (11 Hоя 03 19:46)
* To : All
* Subj :
:. I'm not easy, All! :.
по поводу той утки про взрыв нашего светила
Will the sun go supernova in six years and destroy Earth
(as seen on Yahoo)?
I recently read an article that I found initially disturbing, but
after reading the information on this site regarding the sun, I feel
much more calm. However, I am curious as to whether the article I
read carries any merit whatsoever.
I hadn't seen this article before, so thanks for bringing it to my
attention. You're right to be skeptical, for several reasons!
First, the sun is too small to ever go supernova, so the basic premise
of the article is incorrect. There just isn't enough mass in our sun
to cause it to explode and collapse to form a neutron star or black
Also, I haven't been able to find out any information on this guy "Dr.
Piers Van der Meer". There's an online database, called the
Astrophysics Data System, that keeps records of Journal articles
published in astronomy/astrophysics/planetary science. Even beginning
graduate students will show up in the records because they've usually
been to at least one conference, and as soon as you have a couple
papers about your reaserch it's easy to find out what you're doing
and where you work. But this person doesn't show up in the system at
all! I looked him up using a search engine and he doesn't seem to
have a web page affiliated with any organization. So if he's a
serious astrophysicist, he hasn't published papers or appeared at
conferences before, and isn't part of a major organization.
Also, the article claims he's associated with the European Space
Agency (ESA) (which is a real, credible organization), but when you
look at their website there's no mention of this press release at
all. So it's not endorsed by them, apparently.
A few people have requested more information about the temperature of
the sun. The temperature at the center of the sun is about 16 million
degrees Kelvin (27 million degrees Fahrenheit), as stated in the
article. As the sun burns up its hydrogen, helium builds up in the
core, and the core contracts. This contraction causes heating, so the
internal temperature of the sun is increasing over time. However,
this temperature change in the hydrogen burning sun is very slow! In
the book "The New Solar System", Kenneth Lang states that as a result
of the core contraction and heating, the surface temperature has gone
up 300 K over the past 4.5 billion years. When the sun exhausts its
hydrogen supply (in a few billion years) the sun will become a red
giant star, which has a much hotter, helium-burning, core but
actually a lower surface temperature. (The Astro 201 website has a
good webpage about the sun's evolution, if you want an explanation of
the transition to red giants.) The current surface temperture of the
sun is about 5780 Kelvins. Since surface temperature determines a
star's color, the sun would actually appear blue if its surface
temperature had doubled! Everyone would be able to notice that. Also,
the Weekly World News article claims that people measured temperature
trends "in recent years", which (besides being vague) is a very short
time in the life of the sun. Temperature measurements over a few
years really won't tell you anything about the long term behavior of
the sun.
So, I think what happened is that Weekly World News pieced together
some truths and found some person willing to add a few extra things
to make the story exciting. It's certainly not credible astrophysics!
.: cya, Зероедиk .: [социально_опасные_программисты]
... np: Каста - 10 Вирус
- --- ревнующий слаб
* Origin: i have to kill u before u kill me (2:5019/28.14)
#/-----/# · ···-=¬ Hello, All!
_*-----*_ L===============-----------------····· · · ·
Дата: 12 ноября 2003 (2003-11-12)
От: Boris Paleev
Тема: Российские "Союзы" на Куру будут запускать с отдельной площадки
Hello All!
Российские "Союзы" на Куру будут запускать с отдельной площадки
Ракеты-носители "Союз" будут запускать в космос не с самого космодрома Куру во
Французской Гвиане, а с отдельной площадки, расположенной на том же острове,
неподалеку от населенного пункта Синнамари. Об этом сообщила сегодня газета
"Суар" со ссылкой на директора Европейского космического агентства Жан-Жака
Дордена. Hакануне он представил в Брюсселе так называемую "Белую книгу" -
перспективую программу развития европейской космической отрасли.
Решение о запуске российских космических ракет с отдельной площадки связано "с
планами развития местной инфраструктуры и соображениями
экономико-стратегического характера". В Росавиакосмосе ранее сообщили, что
модернизированные ракеты-носители "Союз-СТ" будут доставляться на космодром
Куру по суше и морю - на российских спецпоездах и в трюмах европейских паромов.
Первый запуск модернизированного "Союза-СТ" с цифровой системой управления,
заправлять которую будут французским керосином и кислородом, намечен на конец
2006 - начало 2007 года, сообщает РИА "Hовости".
12-11-03 11:21
Best regards, Boris
сайт служит астрономическому сообществу с 2005 года