Дата: 12 марта 1999 (1999-03-12)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: NASA в октябре отправит ремонтников на космический телескоп Hubble
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NASA в октябре отправит ремонтников на космический телескоп Hubble
[SpaceViews] Агентство NASA объявило о предстоящей в октябре специальной
экспедиции "шаттла" для замены вышедших из строя гироскопов на космическом
телескопе Hubble. Поломка гироскопов ставит под угрозу продолжение научных
наблюдений. Ранее предполагалось отправить "шаттл" для планового ремонта
телескопа в середине 2000 г., однако выход из строя двух гироскопов и
неполадки в третьем заставили поторопиться.
Всего на Hubble установлено 6 гироскопов, которые обеспечивают точную
ориентацию космического корабля. Для ведения полноценных научных наблюдений
необходимо функционирование трех гироскопов, но это - минимум. Если на Hubble
начнутся неполадки еще с одним гироскопом, то придется прекратить наблюдения
и перевести корабль в безопасный режим полета.
В команду ремонтников входят астронавты Стивен Смит (Steven Smith), Майкл
Фоул (Michael Foale), Джон Грансфелд (John Grunsfeld) и Клод Hиколье (Claude
Nicollier), которые уже прошли необходимую подготовку. Имена командира
экипажа и штурмана будут объявлены в ближайшее время. Для замены гироскопов
уже запланировано 6 выходов в открытый космос. Предполагается выполнить и
другие работы, в том числе заменить датчик и компьютер системы наведения
О конкретной дате запуска "шаттла" пока не сообщается.
Источник: InfoArt News Agency
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 12 марта 1999 (1999-03-12)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Hubble (картинка)
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section 1 of 1 of file hubble-1.jpg < uuencode 5.32 by R.E.M. >
begin 644 hubble-1.jpg
sum -r/size 42732/9897 section (from "begin" to "end")
sum -r/size 3484/7161 entire input file
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 12 марта 1999 (1999-03-12)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Спутник Asiasat 3S выведет на орбиту российская ракета
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Спутник Asiasat 3S выведет на орбиту российская ракета
[Newsbytes] В марте российская ракета-носитель должна вывести на орбиту
спутник Asiasat-3S, который будет поддерживать работу телевизионных и
телекоммуникационных служб ряда азиатских стран.
Asiasat-3S должен заменить старый спутник Asiasat-3, который был потерян
после того, как российская ракета-носитель в декабре 1997 г. вывела его на
неправильную орбиту, поэтому за этот запуск владельцу спутника компании Asia
Satellite Telecommunications Co. Ltd. платить не придется. Запуск
ракеты-носителя "Протон" со спутником Asiasat-3S на борту должен состояться с
космодрома Байконур в период с 18 по 20 марта.
Источник: InfoArt News Agency
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 12 марта 1999 (1999-03-12)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Вселенная будет сужаться
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Вселенная будет сужаться
[ESA] Судьба Вселенной зависит от общей массы всей существующей в ней
материи. Hовые данные по дальнейшим перспективам нашей Вселенной были недавно
получены международной командой астрономов с помощью принадлежащего
Европейскому космическому агентству инфракрасного космического телескопа ISO.
Астрономы определили количество дейтерия в области активного формирования
звезд в туманности Ориона. Результаты показали, что суммарная масса материи
не достаточна для дальнейшего расширения Вселенной, что в будущем приведет к
ее схлопыванию.
Дейтерий - один из изотопов водорода - является ключевым элементом для
астрономических исследований происхождения Вселенной. Весь дейтерий, который
можно обнаружить сегодня, был образован через несколько минут после "Большого
взрыва" во время процесса так называемого первичного синтеза химических
элементов, когда образовались также водород и гелий.
Источник: InfoArt News Agency
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 12 марта 1999 (1999-03-12)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Прогнозировать землетрясения будут из космоса
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Прогнозировать землетрясения будут из космоса
Сейчас космонавты на станции "Мир" проводят эксперимент "Ионозонд" по
исследованию ионосферы Земли. Оказывается ионосфера, представляющая собой
ионизированный верхний слой земной атмосферы, расположенный на высоте более
50 км, реагирует не только на солнечные вспышки и на атмосферные процессы, но
и на процессы, протекающие на поверхности Земли и даже в земной коре.
Предполагается, что в перспективе результаты этих исследований позволят
прогнозировать землетрясения, регистрировать подземные толчки, в том числе
ядерные взрывы, а также запуски космических аппаратов. Однако для постоянного
сейсмического мониторинга Земли потребуется целая сеть спутников.
Источник: InfoArt News Agency
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 12 марта 1999 (1999-03-12)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Подготовка к очередному запуску ракеты "Союз"
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Подготовка к очередному запуску ракеты "Союз" с четырьмя
американскими спутниками Globalstar
Сегодня на стартовой площадке космодрома Байконур должна быть установлена
российская ракета-носитель "Союз" с четырьмя американскими спутниками
глобальной системы связи Globalstar. Старт намечен на 15 марта в 6 ч 6 мин по
московскому времени. Это будет второй коммерческий запуск ракеты "Союз" со
спутниками Globalstar, предыдущий состоялся 9 февраля. Точные даты третьего и
четвертого запусков пока не определены, известно только, что они состоятся в
апреле и мае. Таким образом, на ракетах "Союз" будут выведены на орбиту 16 из
52 запланированных спутников системы Globalstar.
Источник: InfoArt News Agency
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 12 марта 1999 (1999-03-12)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Сегодня можно увидеть Титан - самый большой спутник Сатурна
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Сегодня можно увидеть Титан - самый большой спутник Сатурна
Сегодня астрономы-любители смогут сразу же после захода солнца увидеть
на небе не только Венеру и Сатурн, но и Титан - спутник Сатурна. Для этого
понадобится только небольшой любительский телескоп. Hа рисунке показано
нынешнее расположение Сатурна и Венеры в юго-западной части неба после захода
солнца. Эти планеты видны и невооруженным глазом (лучше всего видна Венера -
она ярче любой звезды). Чуть западнее Сатурна сегодня будет виден самый
крупный его спутник Титан.
Титан - довольно необычный объект солнечной системы. Он больше таких
планет как Меркурий и Плутон. Только 2 спутника в солнечной системе имеют
сколько-нибудь заметную атмосферу, это - Титан и Тритон (один из спутников
Юпитера). Хотя Титан фотографировали с помощью мощных телескопов с Земли и с
космического зонда Voyager 1 (на снимке справа), его поверхность так и
осталась загадкой - она всегда закрыта облаками. Атмосфера Титана состоит
главным образом из азота (так же как и атмосфера Земли), но в ней содержится
довольно много метана и этана, поэтому на Титане бывают "бензино-подобные"
Поверхность Титана удалось рассмотреть с помощью инфракрасного
телескопа, установленного на астрономическом зонде Hubble. Hа этих
фотографиях видны темные и светлые области, которые при некоторой доле
фантазии можно считать континентами, океанами, кратерами и пр.
Более подробная информация о Титане, возможно, будет получена с помощью
космического зонда Cassini, который был запущен в 1997 г. и должен прибыть к
Сатурну в 2004 г. Cassini должен будет отправить на поверхность Титана
специальный зонд Huygens, принадлежащий Европейскому космическому агентству.
Huygens спустится на Титан на парашюте - на рисунке справа показано, как себе
это представляет художник. Как только Huygens опустится ниже кромки облаков
будут произведены фотосъемка поверхности и измерения химического состава
Источник: InfoArt News Agency
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 12 марта 1999 (1999-03-12)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Титан (картинка 1) [1/4]
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section 1 of 4 of file n-03111.gif < uuencode 5.32 by R.E.M. >
begin 644 n-03111.gif
Дата: 12 марта 1999 (1999-03-12)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Титан (картинка 4) [2/2]
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section 2 of 2 of file huygens.jpg < uuencode 5.32 by R.E.M. >
sum -r/size 55973/2788 section (from first encoded line to "end")
sum -r/size 4970/11019 entire input file
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 12 марта 1999 (1999-03-12)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: SpaceViews - 8 March 1999 [1/4]
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Issue 1999.03.08
1999 March 8
*** News ***
Efforts to Save WIRE Continue
Rotary Rocket Unveils Roton ATV
Second X-38 Completes First Flight Test
NASA Inaugurates X-33 Launch Site
NEAR Spacecraft in Safe Mode
Britain Takes Interest in Near-Earth Objects
NASA Lewis Renamed Glenn Research Center
SpaceViews Event Horizon
Other News
*** Articles ***
Final Frontier Agenda
*** News ***
Efforts to Save WIRE Continue
NASA engineers are running a race against time to restore the
Wide-Field Infrared Explorer (WIRE) spacecraft before the spacecraft
loses all its hydrogen coolant, the space agency reported Saturday,
March 6.
The spacecraft started spinning out of control shortly after
launch late Thursday, March 4. Spacecraft engineers believe that
something prevented the spacecraft from cooling down, as planned,
causing frozen hydrogen -- used to keep the spacecraft's infrared
detectors cool -- to sublimate.
The venting hydrogen is believed to be acting like thrusters,
spinning the spacecraft. By late Friday controllers had managed to
keep the spacecraft from spinning faster, but WIRE was still turning
at 60 revolutions per minute.
Efforts to adjust the orientation of the spacecraft to cool
the spacecraft have not worked, however. However, even a very light
force applied by magnetic torque rods caused the spacecraft's solar
panels to oscillate, and the maneuver was stopped to prevent any
additional damage to the spacecraft.
"We are still hopeful that we can take advantage of the fact
that WIRE's rotation rate has finally stabilized, but our efforts last
night proved we have to develop a different scheme," said Jim Watzin,
Small Explorer Project Manager. "We are totally focused on gaining
full control of WIRE and we won't do anything to jeopardize other
WIRE team members are working on a new software package that
would use WIRE's attitude control system to despin the spacecraft.
However, the package will take several days to develop, and WIRE could
run out of hydrogen before the software is ready, effectively ending
the mission.
WIRE had a planned four-month lifetime with its original
payload of frozen hydrogen. With some hydrogen already lost, the
spacecraft's useful lifetime will be reduced even if the spacecraft
can be restored to normal operations.
WIRE was launched from an Orbital Sciences Corporation (OSC)
Pegasus XL booster Thursday night at 9:56 pm EST (0256 UT) off the
coast from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. The launch had been
delayed three days by a glitch in the fins on the Pegasus.
The WIRE spacecraft carries a 30-cm (12.5-inch) telescope with
an infrared camera that will observe at the mid- to far-infrared
wavelengths of 12 and 25 microns. The telescope is optimized to
detect "starburst" galaxies, those galaxies with unusually high rates
of star formation that are brightest in the infrared.
Rotary Rocket Unveils Roton ATV
Rotary Rocket Company displayed for the first time the Roton
ATV, a test version of its reusable launch vehicle, at a ceremony
Monday, March 1.
In an event open by invitation only but broadcast on the Web,
Rotary towed the Roton Atmospheric Test Vehicle out from its hangar at
the Mojave, California airport. The ceremony was shortened by high
"Welcome to the revolution," said Rick Tumlinson, president of
the Space Frontier Foundation, a cosponsor of the rollout ceremony.
Tumlinson amended his customary greeting with the phrase, "and this
time I mean it in more ways than one."
The Roton ATV is designed to test the flight characteristics
of the vehicle while in the atmosphere. While the Roton ATV doesn't
have the rocket engines of the orbital version, it does have the
distinctive rotor blades, powered by small rockets at their tips,
which engineers will use to test the vehicle's flight in the
atmosphere. The first flight is scheduled in a few weeks.
Another test vehicle, the Roton PTV, will have rocket engines,
and will be ready for its first flight early next year, according to
company officials. Construction of the Roton PTV will begin this
The orbital version of the Roton, the Roton C-9, will be
capable of placing 3,200 kg (7,000 lbs.) into low-Earth orbit at a
price of $2,200 per kg ($1,000 per lb.), far below conventional launch
Gary Hudson, president and CEO of Rotary Rocket, said at the
rollout ceremony that the company was about 18 months away, "or maybe
a little less", from the first orbital flight of the Roton and "the
beginning of true commercial space transportation."
Rotary has been supported to date by a number of private
investors, including author Tom Clancy, who spoke at the rollout.
Comparing Roton to the railroads that enabled the settlement of the
American West, Clancy said that Roton "will change the world."
Second X-38 Completes First Flight Test
The second X-38 test vehicle, a prototype of a future reusable
crew-return vehicle for the International Space Station, completed its
first test flight at Edwards Air Force Base, California, early Friday,
March 5.
The X-38 was dropped from its B-52 carrier aircraft at 11:16
am EST (1616 UT) while flying 7,900 meters (26,000 ft.) over the air
base. After flying free for about 10 seconds, the X-38 deployed its
parafoil and glided to a safe landing on the dry lake bed 12 minutes
"We had a beautiful flight today," said X-38 project manager
John Muratore in a post-test press conference. Muratore said the
flight was "anomaly-free."
The flight was the first for this version of the X-38, which
has better aerodynamic control surfaces and instrumentation than the
original test vehicle. More test flights of this X-38 version are
planned later this year. Engineers plan to increase the altitude and
speed of the drops to expand the flight envelope of the vehicle.
No drop tests are planned before mid- to late May, though,
according to X-38 design team leader Brian Anderson, who said an
improved drogue chute needs to be used for flight tests at higher
altitudes. That chute will be tested over the next month and a half
at a facility in Yuma, Arizona, Anderson said.
About four to five test flights of this X-38 vehicle are
planned for this year. At the end of the year it will be joined by
the original X-38 test vehicle, used in the drop tests last month and
in March 1998 and currently undergoing a refit. A full-scale version
of the X-38 should also be available by early next year.
The X-38 is designed to serve as a crew return vehicle should
a medical emergency or other accident require the crew to evacuate the
station before a shuttle or other spacecraft could arrive at the
station. The spacecraft is also being considered for other purposes,
including use as a ferry vehicle launched atop a European Ariane 5
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 12 марта 1999 (1999-03-12)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: SpaceViews - 8 March 1999 [2/4]
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Вот, свалилось из Internet...
NASA Inaugurates X-33 Launch Site
NASA and Lockheed Martin officially dedicated Friday, March 5,
the launch site for the X-33, a demonstrator of the feasibility of a
single-stage reusable launch vehicle.
The launch site, built on the northeast corner of Edwards Air
Force Base, California, was completed in a little over a year -- on
schedule -- and at a cost of $32 million, under budget. Just as the
X-33 is designed to test technologies that will reduce the cost of
space access, the launch site is designed to test ways to make
launches faster and less expensive.
"We've created a flight center that supports the program
philosophy of building a reusable launch vehicle that operates more
like an airplane," said Gene Austin, NASA X-33 program manager. "The
center is designed to allow us to service and launch the X-33 all from
one spot, with a ground crew of fewer than 50 people."
The design of the site supports this philosophy. When the
X-33 arrives at the launch site, it is backed up horizontally onto a
mount, or "strong-back", that attaches to the rear of the vehicle. A
movable hangar is then rolled into place over the X-33 as launch
preparations take place.
When the vehicle is ready for launch, the hangar is rolled
away and the strong-back rotates the X-33 into a vertical position for
launch. Flame trenches in place under the vehicle are used to direct
hot exhaust away from the pad at launch.
The launch site also includes a control center about 1.6 km (1
mile) from the pad and propellant storage for the liquid hydrogen and
oxygen used to fuel the X-33.
There are no plans for the launch site after the series of
about a dozen X-33 flights are completed, NASA and Lockheed Martin
officials said at the dedication. Since the launch site is on the
grounds of an Air Force base, it may be used for unspecified military
tests, according to Steve Ishmael, NASA X-33 deputy program manager
for operations.
It's unlikely that the site would be used for VentureStar, the
full-scale orbital version of the X-33, since the site is built at the
wrong scale. Lockheed Martin is undertaking an extensive search for
potential VentureStar launch sites around the U.S.
The site will sit idle for the next year, as the first X-33
flight test is not planned until mid-2000. The date for the flight
test has been pushed back more than a year because of technical
problem's with the X-33's aerospike engine and its liquid hydrogen
fuel tank.
Lockheed Martin officials confirmed a report this week in
Space News that additional damage was found on the X-33's composite
hydrogen tank. The new damage will cost an additional $1 million to
repair but will not further delay the X-33, the company said.
NEAR Spacecraft in Safe Mode
The Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft entered a
protective safe mode last week, mission controllers announced March 1.
The main flight computer on the NEAR spacecraft reset itself
early Tuesday, February 23. Backup systems took over as planned as
the spacecraft entered a safe mode. The cause of the reset is still
under investigation.
Mission controllers plan a comprehensive systems checkout over
the next few weeks to determine the cause of the reset and take action
to correct the problem. With few activities planned for NEAR and no
signs the spacecraft is not otherwise healthy, there is little urgency
for the repairs.
NEAR was to go into orbit around the asteroid Eros early this
year, but a thruster shutdown December 20 at the beginning of the
first of four maneuvers caused controllers to lose contact with the
spacecraft for over a day and eventually led to a delay in the
rendezvous with Eros until February 2000. The spacecraft did perform
a flyby of Eros on December 23 as a temporary consolation prize.
Britain Takes Interest in Near-Earth Objects
At the request of a member of Parliament, the British
government announced plans this past week to investigate how it can
play a larger role in the detection of potentially-dangerous
near-Earth objects (NEOs).
John Battle, the Minister for Energy and Industry, told the
House of Commons near the close of its Wednesday, March 3 session that
the government is willing to talk with British astronomers and other
experts on ways the country can help in the search for near-Earth
asteroids and comets.
Battle's statement came after a statement by Lembit Opik.
Opik called on the government to pledge support, and money, for the
Spaceguard Foundation, an international organization that supports
searches for NEOs. He suggested setting up a UK center for Spaceguard
at the Armagh Observatory in Northern Ireland, which currently does
asteroid and comet research.
"To set up the centre and the feasibility study group would
cost about 4.56 million pounds (US$7.3 million) over 10 years; that is
less than 500,000 pounds (US$800,000) a year, and would provide an
important first step to the larger project," Opik said.
He said the project's cost was only 2 percent that of the
Millennium Dome, a structure under construction on the banks of the
Thames in London. "McDonald's has given 12 million pounds (US$19
million) sponsorship to the dome, which is more than the entire cost
of UK participation in Spaceguard over 10 years," Opik said. "That is
an amazing statistic."
Opik said he got the runaround from the government when he
first tried to bring up his concerns about impacts. "When I originally
asked about the threats, we contacted the Ministry of Defence, which
said that it was really a matter for the Department of the
Environment, Transport and the Regions [DETR]. The DETR passed us on
to the Home Office, which suggested the Department of Trade and
Battle, though, seemed sympathetic to Opik's request,
promising to discuss the Spaceguard proposal with other members of the
British government, including Science Minister Lord Sainsbury.
Opik, who represents Montgomeryshire for the minority Liberal
Democrats party, is the grandson of Ernst Opik, an astronomer who
studied comet and asteroid impacts from Estonia and, later, the Armagh
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 12 марта 1999 (1999-03-12)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: SpaceViews - 8 March 1999 [3/4]
Привет всем!
Вот, свалилось из Internet...
NASA Lewis Renamed Glenn Research Center
NASA has officially renamed the Lewis Research Center the John
H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, the space agency announced
Monday, March 1.
The Glenn Research Center, located in Cleveland, Ohio, was
renamed after the former astronaut and senator by a provision in
NASA's fiscal year 1999 budget, proposed by Senator Mike Dewine
(R-Ohio) and passed by the Congress last October shortly before Glenn
made his second space flight on shuttle mission STS-95.
The center, established in 1941 by the National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics, was named after NACA research director
George W. Lewis shortly after his death in 1948. The Lewis Flight
Propulsion Laboratory became a part of NASA when the space agency was
founded in 1958 and was renamed the Lewis Research Center.
"I cannot think of a better way to pay tribute to two of
Ohio's famous sons -- one an aeronautic researcher and the other an
astronaut legend and lawmaker -- than by naming a NASA research center
after them," said NASA administrator Dan Goldin.
Lewis employs 3,600, including 2,100 civil service workers,
who are involved in projects that range from aeronautical and space
propulsion to space power, satellite communications, and microgravity
Work on the name change has been ongoing at the center for
some time, according to a memo leaked to NASA Watch. Work entailed by
the name change ranges from changing a large sign on a hanger to
changing the center's Internet domain name from lerc.nasa.gov to
grc.nasa.gov. No cost estimates for the name change were available.
A formal name change ceremony is planned for the center in
mid-May, according to center memos.
SpaceViews Event Horizon
March TBD Zenit 3SL launch of a dummy payload from the Sea
Launch platform in the Pacific Ocean
March 7-13 Spaceweek -- simultaneous pro-space events around the
globe (http://www.spaceweek.org/)
March 10 Soyuz launch of of Progress M-41 resupply spacecraft
from Baikonur, Kazakhstan
March 14 Soyuz-Ikar launch of four Globalstar satellites from
Baikonur, Kazakhstan, at 10:06 pm EST
(0306 UT Mar. 15)
March 17 Proton launch of the AsiaSat-3S comsat from Baikonur,
Kazakhstan at 7:07 pm EST (0007 UT Mar. 18)
March 21-26 ProSpace March Storm, Washington, DC
April 5-8 National Space Symposium, Colorado Springs, Colorado
April 22-24 Space Access '99, Phoenix, Arizona
Other News
Hubble Decision Soon: NASA should make a decision to fly an early
repair mission to the Hubble Space Telescope around the middle of this
week, both CBS and Florida Today report. If flown -- a likely
prospect -- the planned mid-2000 servicing mission would be split into
two parts. The faulty gyros on Hubble would be replaced on a mission
flown in October this year, while another mission in late 2000 would
replace instruments, solar panels, and other tasks. The same
spacewalking crew in training for the originally-planned servicing
mission -- a crew that includes veteran astronauts Michael Foale and
Claude Nicollier -- would likely fly on both missions.
More Mars Life News: The team of scientists who made the initial
discovery of evidence of past life in a Martian meteorite are prepared
to show evidence of life in other Martian meteorites, the BBC
reported. The Johnson Space Center scientists are expected to
announce that they have found evidence of "nanofossils" -- tiny
features that resemble fossilized bacteria -- in one or two other
meteorites, including the Nakhla meteorite. They plan to present
their findings at the Lunar and Planetary Sciences Conference in
Houston next week.
Women in Space: Rumors have been floating around for weeks that NASA
was considering flying an all-woman crew on an upcoming shuttle
mission. Those reports were given a boost by an editorial in the
March 5 issue of the Washington Times, where Alcestis Oberg wrote that
NASA is considering such a crew for a shuttle science mission around
the time of the 2000 election. While decrying the use of the shuttle
program for apparent political gain by the Administration, Oberg said
that such a mission could have significant symbolic and scientific
benefits. "If the flight of an all-female crew could extract some
long-term commitment from NASA to studying women's health in space and
finally promoting women into the uppermost decision-making positions
in the agency," she wrote, "then it would be worth some public
Andromeda Traffic Jam: The Andromeda galaxy's unusual double nucleus
appears to be caused by a "traffic jam" of stars in an elliptical
orbit around a black hole, Ohio University astronomers reported
Wednesday, March 3. Using spectral data from the Hubble Space
Telescope, Ohio University astronomy professor Thomas Statler found
that one of the bright peaks in the nucleus of the spiral galaxy was
caused by stars piling up at the far points in their orbits around a
heavy mass, likely a supermassive black hole, at the other part of the
nucleus. "When stars swing closer to the center, they go faster. When
they move away from it, they go slower. It's almost like you're
getting a traffic jam at the slow section of the orbit," Statler
Launchers and Launch Sites: The Spaceport Florida Authority is asking
the Florida legislature for $43.8 million in the year 2000, nearly 100
times more than its current budget, Florida Today reported March 3.
The agency, which operates a commercial launch site at Cape Canaveral,
plans to use the extra money for a new mission management center and
academic support center at Cape Canaveral, additional infrastructure
improvements, more staff, and a study to explore using the former
Homestead Air Force Base south of Miami as another launch site... A
federal grand jury in Seattle is investigating whether Boeing
improperly shared technical data with Russia and the Ukraine in the
Sea Launch project, the Washington Post reported March 2.
Investigators claim that some of the foreign engineers granted access
to controlled areas were intelligence agents. Boeing already paid a
$10 million fine last year when it admitted to security lapses in the
In Brief: Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka, just back from a
six-month stay on Mir, is ready to go back again, AP reports, and
Russia has assigned him to another Mir mission, contingent on private
funding being found to support extending Mir's life... Hackers did not
gain access to a British military comsat, the country's Ministry of
Defence reported last week. An article in a British newspaper
February 28 claimed "hackers" had gained access to the satellite and
were blackmailing the British government... About three-quarters of
the American public supports space technologies being used in
medicine, education, and the environment, according to a poll
commissioned by the Space Awareness Alliance. Overall, two-thirds of
those polled support space exploration... Buying and selling astronaut
memorabilia on the Web has become very popular, thanks to auction
sites like eBay. We can't help but wonder, though, if people are
going a little far, as one person sells an autograph of Buzz Aldrin...
in the form of a canceled check for a condo maintenance fee from
(http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=74088429) The
auction bids were in the low-$40's at last report.
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 12 марта 1999 (1999-03-12)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: SpaceViews - 8 March 1999 [4/4]
Привет всем!
Вот, свалилось из Internet...
*** Articles ***
Final Frontier Agenda
by Darrick A. Dean
This country has been given a choice. Push ahead and lead the
world into a new age or let it (and us) collapse into the equivalent
of a black hole. Our government has seemingly chosen the latter.
We once had a goal of reaching Mars by 2019. The government
has forsaken that goal. They cannot see beyond tomorrow. Their
thousands of reports, plans and infinite legions of bureaucracy have
not benefited us in any way. There is one thing that could create
thousands of jobs, advance the threshold of technology, provide
unlimited resources and rebuild the world. The government knows of it,
but has not embraced it: the exploration of space.
The Space Exploration Initiative died a quick death. The
government ignored its potential and did nothing. Undoubtedly, this
was caused by the $450 billion price tag. The centerpiece of SEI was
human missions to Mars. Current estimates for a Mars mission are as
low as $20 billion. Apparently the bureaucracy failed to think SEI
through. However, the goal of SEI, Mars, has been and still is the
goal of human space flight.
We need a Final Frontier Agenda. The plans for exploring space
have been laid out, it's only a matter of implementing them. Doing
this in a way that benefits us all is relatively simple. The bottom
line is: smaller, faster, cheaper and international cooperation. Our
government has finally started to figure this out to a certain extent.
NASA has been launching more probes than ever before. Comets,
asteroids, Jupiter, Saturn, the Moon and Mars. But NASA and the
government still lack a long distance commitment or plan. What about
the space station?
The redesigned International Space Station seems to have saved
the program. What was born out of the Cold War, will now herald in the
the new millennium. We have come together for the first phase of a
grand adventure. Despite delays caused by Russia the ISS continues in
pushing the threshold of technology and giving the private sector a
foundation for nongovernment efforts in space. What's beyond ISS?
First, let's look at why we are building a manned space station.
Why ISS?
Machines could do most of the work cheaper and without danger
to people. Returning to the Moon doesn't require a station. A space
station's primary purpose is for studying humans adapt to the space
environment for extended periods of time. The only reason for doing
this is if we are planning on going to Mars and elsewhere.
You might say there is no need to build a station to go to
Mars. You're right, to an extent. Despite the lack of vision and
commitment in Congress and the White House, NASA has kept the humans
to Mars vision alive. Even though funding for manned Mars missions
doesn't exist, NASA is using ISS to gear up. Beyond learning about
long-duration exposure to low gravity environments, ISS serves as a
testbed for technologies and materials for reaching Mars. Not long
ago, NASA announced using the ISS to test a Mars habitat module. ISS
is Phase 2 of humans to Mars.
Phase 1 is already underway. Two probes arrived at Mars in
1997. Four are on their way as of February 1999, NASA's Mars '98 (Mars
Climate Orbiter, Mars Polar Lander, Deep Space 2) and Japan's
Planet-B. At least a half-dozen are in the pipeline. When's the last
time mankind sent such an armada to a planet? The Moon in the 1960s.
Make no mistake, the primary mission of these probes is to prepare for
human missions, the search for life is secondary at best. Amongst this
Mars program, new launch programs and Moon exploration are also
pressing ahead.
The launch vehicles in use are marvels of technology. They are
also expensive and dangerous. A number of fifth generation spacecraft
are in serious development such as the Venture Star (X-33) and the
X-34 and various spacecraft by private companies. It is vital that
these spacecraft become a reality. They are necessary for opening up
the frontier to everyone. Such technology will also benefit Mars/Moon
spacecraft needed for landing and living on the Moon and Mars.
On to Moon and Mars
When we return to the Moon, we will live off the land. Oxygen
for rocket fuel can be extracted out of the lunar soil. The Moon can
eventually be utilized for energy production (Helium-3/solar) and
scientific purposes (astronomy/asteroid detection). The Clementine and
Lunar Prospector mission has blazed a trail, but few such orbiters are
needed this time around. Effort in returning humans must be foremost.
Even saying this, returning to Mars will provide more opportunities
and advances, both near and long-term. It's resources also make the
Moon pale in comparison.
The plans for human missions to Mars have already been
written. Robert Zubrin's Mars Direct plan provides an affordable road
map to the Red Planet at an estimated $20 billion. NASA used this as
baseline an came up with a $50 billion project (still a lot better
than $450 billion) known as Mars Semi-Direct. This price includes
three manned missions to Mars. NASA could afford this by itself, and
do it in ten years, but there are plenty of other nation's that would
join. The plan is simple and streamlined. Ten years is all that is
needed from commitment to the first manned Mars landings. There is
still ample time to meet the goal of sending humans to Mars by 2019.
Our near-term goal is just to get there. The long-term goal:
Utilization of Martian resources and establishing another base of
humanity. Our longer-term goal: The terraformation of Mars. Imagine
another world we could live on. A world from which we could launch
missions to the rest of the Solar System and even the stars.
Having a Final Frontier Agenda means committing this country
to space exploration and admitting to the goal of Mars. It means
laying it all out and creating a space exploration Agenda that puts
space at the forefront of government policies. All political parties
know the importance of space exploration: Technology development,
economics, jobs, knowledge, resources and providing a new frontier to
our stagnate world. There aren't any reasons for all in Congress and
the White House, this and future administrations, to take a stand for
space exploration: Government, commercial and private.
Robert Zubrin talked about needing a new frontier. He is
right. Mars is that frontier. Going to Mars is the only way we are
going to create a spacefaring civilization. Populating Mars will not
solve overcrowding problems, but it will do much more such as help
guaranteeing the human race's survival. It will also provide the
stimulation we need to revitalize intelligence and the human spirit.
Darrick A. Dean (darrickdean@hotmail.com) is an engineer and NSS
Do you agree that the road to Mars goes through the International
Space Station and the Moon? Write to us at letters@spaceviews.com and
we'll publish a selection of them in an upcoming issue.
This has been the March 8, 1999, issue of SpaceViews.
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Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 12 марта 1999 (1999-03-12)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: S-образные пятна на Солнце
Привет всем!
Вот, свалилось из Internet...
S-образные пятна на Солнце
Washington, USA
___Во вторник, 09.03.99, ученые объявили о новом методе предсказания солнечных
бурь. Этот метод базируется на изучении особых турбулентных вихрей в виде буквы
"S", на поверхности Солнца. Взрыв, равный по мощности миллиардам ядерным
взрывам, может серьезно нарушить радиосвязь, вызвать неполадки в электрических
сетях на Земле и привести в негодность спутники на ее орбите.
___ Используя снимки японского спутника Yohkoh, ученые обнаружили на
поверхности Солнца плотные энергетические сгустки, появление которых
предшествует началу солнечной бури.
___"Мы нашли тесную взаимосвязь между появлением S-образных пятен и появлением
солнечных бурь. Такое пятно мы называем "сигмоид". Появление такого сигмоида
обозначает, что через 3-4 дня начнется солнечный шторм. Каждый сигмоид -
подобие заряженного орудия, накачанного до предела солнечной энергией". Так
прокомментировал это открытие директор компании Computational Physics Inc., в
Fairfax, штат Virginia, доктор Альфонс Стерлинг (Alphonse Sterling).
Исследователи полагают, что форма пятна в виде символа "S" может быть вызвана
областями с искривленным магнитным полем.
___ По сути, солнечный шторм это отторжение большой массы солнечной кроны в
виде гигантских облаков. В среднем, вес одного такого извержения равен 10-12
млрд. тонн и движется оно со скоростью 1-2 млн. км/ч. В среднем солнечный шторм
достигает Земли на 4-е сутки после извержения. Это время ему необходимо для
преодоления радиуса орбиты планеты, равному 150 млн. км.
___Попадание потока высокоэнергетических частиц в электрическую сеть может
вызвать серьезные сбои в работе трансформаторов, вплоть до выхода их из строя,
как это уже произошло в 1989 году, в одном из округов Канады.
___ Солнечный "шторм" вызывает учащение явления "сияния" на полюсах планеты,
это происходит в момент соприкосновения частиц с магнитным полем Земли. При
достаточно сильных бурях, это явление можно наблюдать не только непосредственно
в полярных зонах планеты, но и северных областях умеренных широт.
___Теперь ученые смогут безошибочно предсказывать солнечные вспышки, что даст
возможность заблаговременно подготовиться к возможным сбоям в работе радио- и
электросетей. Сейчас большинство солнечных обсерваторий подтвердило "штормовое
предупреждение" на следующий год, т.к. пик солнечной активности наблюдается
каждые 11 лет, а предыдущая буря наблюдалась в 1989 году.
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