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Февраль 1999


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    Архив RU.SPACE.NEWS за 24 февраля 1999

    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Великобритания может остаться за бортом МКС Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... Великобритания может остаться за бортом Международной космической станции [SpaceViews] Космическое агентство Великобритании порекомендовало своему правительству не участвовать в создании Международной космической станции (МКС). Британский национальный космический центр (British National Space Centre, BNSC) полагает, что вклад Великобритании в случае ее участия в строительство МКС не ограничился бы ранее запланированными 100 млн ф. ст. (164 млн дол.), поскольку, как заявил директор BNSC по науке, при реализации этого проекта денег не экономят. В официальном докладе BNSC говорится, что любое участие в создании МКС потребовало бы дополнительного финансирования, а годовой бюджет космического агентства Великобритании в размере 200 млн ф. ст. (328 млн дол.) уже принят. Великобритания в 1987 г., в отличие от других стран-участниц Европейского космического агентства решила не участвовать в создании тогдашней космической станции Freedom. Однако нынешнее правительство решило пересмотреть это решение и обратилось в BNSC с целью исследования возможности участия Британии в проекте МКС. BNSC передал свой доклад министру науки, теперь слово за правящим кабинетом. Источник: InfoArt News Agency Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Для марсианских экспедиций разрабатывается кислородный генератор Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... Для марсианских экспедиций разрабатывается кислородный генератор [SpaceViews] Инженеры из университета Аризоны разработали экспериментальную систему Oxygen Generating Subsystem (OGS), которая должна будет извлекать кислород из атмосферы Марса. Для проведения испытаний система будет отправлена в 2001 г. на Марс на космическом зонде Mars Surveyor. Сейчас система OGS проходит наземные испытания. Система OGS генерирует кислород методом электролиза из углекислого газа, который является одним из основных составляющих марсианской атмосферы. Ее производительность составляет 1 куб. см кислорода в минуту, а потребляемая мощность - 15 Вт. Источник: InfoArt News Agency Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Для марсианских экспедиций... (картинка) Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... section 1 of 1 of file sv-02211.jpg < uuencode 5.32 by R.E.M. > begin 644 sv-02211.jpg M_]C_X``02D9)1@`!`0```0`!``#_VP!#``<%!@8&!0<&!@8("`<)"Q(,"PH* M"Q<0$0T2&Q<<'!H7&AD=(2HD'1\H(!D:)3(E*"PM+S`O'2,T.#0N-RHN+R[_ MVP!#`0@("`L*"Q8,#!8N'AH>+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN M+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN+B[_P``1"`"@`,@#`2(``A$!`Q$!_\0` M'P```04!`0$!`0$```````````$"`P0%!@<("0H+_\0`M1```@$#`P($`P4% M!`0```%]`0(#``01!1(A,4$&$U%A!R)Q%#*!D:$((T*QP152T?`D,V)R@@D* M%A<8&1HE)B<H*2HT-38W.#DZ0T1%1D=(24I35%565UA96F-D969G:&EJ<W1U M=G=X>7J#A(6&AXB)BI*3E)66EYB9FJ*CI*6FIZBIJK*SM+6VM[BYNL+#Q,7& MQ\C)RM+3U-76U]C9VN'BX^3EYN?HZ>KQ\O/T]?;W^/GZ_\0`'P$``P$!`0$! 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    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Стыковка корабля "Союз ТМ-29" с орбитальной станцией "Мир" Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... Стыковка корабля "Союз ТМ-29" с орбитальной станцией "Мир" 22 февраля в 8 часов 36 минут по московскому времени была произведена стыковка корабля "Союз ТМ-29" с орбитальным комплексом "Мир". Через полтора часа после стыковки были открыты переходные люки, и Виктор Афанасьев, Жан-Пьер Эньере и Иван Белла перешли на станцию "Мир". Программой совместного полета пятерых космонавтов предусмотрено проведение около 100 медико-биологических, технических, астрофизических и геофизических экспериментов. 28 февраля Геннадий Падалка и Иван Белла в корабле "Союз ТМ-28" возвратятся на Землю, а работу на "Мире" продолжат Виктор Афанасьев, Сергей Авдеев и Жан-Пьер Эньере. Оставшийся экипаж проведет на орбите около полугода. За это время будет проведено пять выходов в открытый космос, в одном из них должен принять участие француз Жан-Пьер Эньере. Источник: InfoArt News Agency Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Для марсианских экспедиций разрабатывается кислородный генератор * Originally by Alexander Bondugin, 2:5054/48@fidonet * Originally to all * Originally dated 24 Feb 1999, 8:35 Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... Для марсианских экспедиций разрабатывается кислородный генератор [SpaceViews] Инженеры из университета Аризоны разработали экспериментальную систему Oxygen Generating Subsystem (OGS), которая должна будет извлекать кислород из атмосферы Марса. Для проведения испытаний система будет отправлена в 2001 г. на Марс на космическом зонде Mars Surveyor. Сейчас система OGS проходит наземные испытания. Система OGS генерирует кислород методом электролиза из углекислого газа, который является одним из основных составляющих марсианской атмосферы. Ее производительность составляет 1 куб. см кислорода в минуту, а потребляемая мощность - 15 Вт. Источник: InfoArt News Agency Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Для марсианских экспедиций... (картинка) * Originally by Alexander Bondugin, 2:5054/48@fidonet * Originally to all * Originally dated 24 Feb 1999, 8:36 Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... section 1 of 1 of file sv-02211.jpg < uuencode 5.32 by R.E.M. > begin 644 sv-02211.jpg M_]C_X``02D9)1@`!`0```0`!``#_VP!#``<%!@8&!0<&!@8("`<)"Q(,"PH* M"Q<0$0T2&Q<<'!H7&AD=(2HD'1\H(!D:)3(E*"PM+S`O'2,T.#0N-RHN+R[_ MVP!#`0@("`L*"Q8,#!8N'AH>+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN M+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN+BXN+B[_P``1"`"@`,@#`2(``A$!`Q$!_\0` M'P```04!`0$!`0$```````````$"`P0%!@<("0H+_\0`M1```@$#`P($`P4% M!`0```%]`0(#``01!1(A,4$&$U%A!R)Q%#*!D:$((T*QP152T?`D,V)R@@D* M%A<8&1HE)B<H*2HT-38W.#DZ0T1%1D=(24I35%565UA96F-D969G:&EJ<W1U M=G=X>7J#A(6&AXB)BI*3E)66EYB9FJ*CI*6FIZBIJK*SM+6VM[BYNL+#Q,7& MQ\C)RM+3U-76U]C9VN'BX^3EYN?HZ>KQ\O/T]?;W^/GZ_\0`'P$``P$!`0$! 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    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Стыковка корабля "Союз ТМ-29" с орбитальной станцией "Мир" * Originally by Alexander Bondugin, 2:5054/48@fidonet * Originally to all * Originally dated 24 Feb 1999, 8:37 Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... Стыковка корабля "Союз ТМ-29" с орбитальной станцией "Мир" 22 февраля в 8 часов 36 минут по московскому времени была произведена стыковка корабля "Союз ТМ-29" с орбитальным комплексом "Мир". Через полтора часа после стыковки были открыты переходные люки, и Виктор Афанасьев, Жан-Пьер Эньере и Иван Белла перешли на станцию "Мир". Программой совместного полета пятерых космонавтов предусмотрено проведение около 100 медико-биологических, технических, астрофизических и геофизических экспериментов. 28 февраля Геннадий Падалка и Иван Белла в корабле "Союз ТМ-28" возвратятся на Землю, а работу на "Мире" продолжат Виктор Афанасьев, Сергей Авдеев и Жан-Пьер Эньере. Оставшийся экипаж проведет на орбите около полугода. За это время будет проведено пять выходов в открытый космос, в одном из них должен принять участие француз Жан-Пьер Эньере. Источник: InfoArt News Agency Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: SpaceViews - 22 February 1999 [1/4] Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... S P A C E V I E W S Issue 1999.02.22 1999 February 22 http://www.spaceviews.com/1999/0222/ *** News *** Soyuz Launches Mir Crew Russian Space Chief Apologizes for Station Delays Britain May Stay Out of ISS Congressman Expresses Concerns about X-33 New Evidence for Mars Volcanoes, Sand Dunes Atlas Launches Japanese Comsat Venus Subject to Radical Climate Changes SpaceViews Event Horizon Other News *** Articles *** So You Want to Get Into SETI (part 3) Editor's Note: We are always looking for new story ideas for SpaceViews. If you have an story idea, proposal, or full article that you would like to see published in SpaceViews, please e-mail it to submissions@spaceviews.com. We can't guarantee that we'll be able to publish or even reply to all submissions, we will take a look at every one. -- Jeff Foust, Editor jeff@spaceviews.com *** News *** Soyuz Launches Mir Crew A Soyuz carrying what may be the final crew to stay on the Russian space station Mir blasted off early Saturday, February 20, from Baikonur. A Soyuz rocket carrying the Soyuz TM-29 spacecraft lifted off on schedule at 11:17 pm EST Friday, February 19 (0417 UT Feb. 20) from Baikonur, Kazakhstan. The spacecraft docked with Mir early Monday, February 22. A three-man international crew is on the Soyuz, commanded by Russian cosmonaut Viktor Afanasyev. Guest cosmonauts Jean-Pierre Haignere of France and Ivan Bella of Slovakia are also onboard the Soyuz. A week after docking, the Soyuz TM-28 currently docked at Mir will depart with Bella and current Mir commander Gennady Padalka. Afanayev, Haignere, and current Mir flight engineer Sergei Avdeyev will remain on Mir. That three-man crew will likely be the last to stay on Mir. Last year Russia announced plans to deorbit Mir by mid-1999, but in December Energia, the company that operates Mir for the Russian Space Agency (RSA), announced that it had found private funding to continue to operate Mir until 2002. However, RSA officials announced earlier this month that the mysterious private investor -- never identified by the government or Energia -- had backed out. The RSA said plans were in the works to deorbit the station in August or September, at the end of the six-month duty cycle for the this crew. Afanayev told reporters in a pre-flight press conference that he believed there would be more missions to Mir. "We are confident that our mission will not be the final one," he said. "It would be a great pity to discard the station." If the crew stays on Mir through mid-August, Avdeyev will break the record for the second-longest spaceflight at 366 days. Haignere will also break the record of 179 days for the longest flight by an ESA astronaut if the mission lasts through mid-August. Haignere also had an unusual backup for his flight: his wife, Claudie Andre-Deshays. Andre-Deshays spent half a month on Mir in 1996 as the first French woman to fly in space. The launch came on the 13th anniversary of the launch of the Mir core module. Russian Space Chief Apologizes for Station Delays The head of the Russian Space Agency apologized on Russian radio for problems with the Service Module that have delayed the assembly of the International Space Station, Reuters reported Monday, February 15. Speaking on Ekho Moskvy radio, Yuri Koptev said that Russia had "let down" its international partners because of problems with the Service Module. "The schedule for building the station was developed so that everything began overall from a Russian segment, so all of our mistakes, all of our delays create a basis for delaying everything else," Koptev said. "I have to say above all that we are letting our partners down a little." The Service Module, a key component of ISS, was to launch in spring 1998, several months after the launch of the initial control module and docking module. However, funding problems delayed the assembly of the module, pushing the entire station schedule back by a year. The Service Module is nearly done now, Koptev said, and will be shipped to Baikonur for testing within a month. Koptev said a launch date between July and September is likely. However, Space News recently reported that NASA is concerned that the schedule will slip further. NASA officials working on the project think the testing schedule is unrealistic, and a launch date of November or December is more likely. The Service Module provides a number of key systems that make the station habitable. In addition, it is able to maintain the station's orbit with its thrusters. The thrusters on the Zarya control module launched in November have a little over a year's worth of fuel available, making a Service Module launch by the end of the year critical. NASA has been working with the Naval Research Labs (NRL) to develop a backup module to maintain the station's orbit, should the schedule slip further. The Interim Control Module, based on a satellite dispenser system developed by NRL for military missions, has been developed and funded by NASA as a stopgap because of the ongoing Service Module delays. Such module delays are also a problem with NASA ISS modules, Koptev said. "I think in the near future, as soon as we complete our obligations on the Service Module, it will become clear that we are not the only ones with delays," he claimed. There have been delays with the assembly of key laboratory and habitation modules, but these delays have been largely hidden by the ongoing problems with the Service Module. Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: SpaceViews - 22 February 1999 [2/4] Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... Britain May Stay Out of ISS Great Britain's space agency has advised its government not to join the International Space Station (ISS) effort, the BBC reported Thursday, February 18. The British National Space Centre (BNSC) believes that a British contribution to ISS would not be worth the estimated 100 million pound (US$164 million) cost, BBC radio said. In an interview, BNSC Director of Science told the BBC that "we have decided that the ISS is not worth it on a value-for-money basis." BNSC officials also said that any role in ISS would require additional funding, as the agency's 200 million pound (US$328 million) annual budget is already spoken for. Britain decided in 1987 not to participate in then-Space Station Freedom, unlike most member nations of the European Space Agency. However, the Labour government of Prime Minister Tony Blair has had second thoughts about the decision, and instructed the BNSC to study a possible role for Britain on ISS. British-born NASA astronaut Michael Foale also drummed up support for a British place on ISS during a trip to Britain last year. Foale brought a list of possible projects that Britain could contribute to ISS, such as a thruster system to maintain the station's orbit. If Britain joined the project, it would also have the right to fly one or more astronauts on ISS. The BNSC report has been given to Lord Sainsbury, Blair's science minister, for consideration by the cabinet. No timetable for a decision has been set. Murdin, though, believes it's best for Britain not to join ISS. "We were right in 1987 to stay out," he told the BBC. Congressman Expresses Concerns about X-33 A key member of the U.S. Congress is concerned that the X-33, a prototype of future reusable launch vehicles, may never fly or be a technological dead end, according to remarks published Sunday, February 21. In an interview with reporters at the newspaper Florida Today, Rep. Dave Weldon (R-FL), vice-chairman of the space subcommittee of the House Science Committee, said even if the X-33 overcomes its numerous technological challenges, builder Lockheed Martin will need support from the federal government to develop the full-scale version, VentureStar. Weldon said that, according to Lockheed Martin Chief Operating Officer Peter Teets, the company's plan to finance VentureStar development with venture capital won't work without some sort of federal loan guarantee and subsidy. "This is something that people have been speculating about for a long time, but this is the first time an official within Lockheed Martin has admitted that to me," Weldon said. Loan guarantees have been a hot subject since Sen. John Breaux (D-LA) introduced legislation to develop such guarantees last year. Small aerospace companies and space advocates are concerned that such legislation would only support major companies, automatically anointing them winners in the commercial space marketplace. Weldon, however, was unsure the technical problems which have delayed the first X-33 flight by over a year can be surmounted. "The long and the short of this is that, I think, VentureStar is five to 10 years down the road, if it's ever going to arrive," he said. Weldon also said that unnamed "respected rocket scientists" told him that a single-stage to orbit vehicle was technically impossible. He added that Boeing officials described to him a two-stage reusable launch vehicle they had designed that would be more effective than a single-stage design. "Some of the respected scientists who say single-stage to orbit doesn't work say a two-stage, reusable system works," Weldon said. Weldon's preferred plan is to continue work on the X-33 and VentureStar while investing in shuttle upgrades to allow the orbiter fleet to continue operations for another 10 to 20 years. At some point, he said, "You'll have to say, 'Are we are going to continue along with the VentureStar technology development pathway, or we are going to start looking at two-stage reusable systems?'" New Evidence for Mars Volcanoes, Sand Dunes Mars may have been much more volcanically active early in its history than once thought, and supports sand dunes that closely resemble those seen on Earth, scientists reported Wednesday, February 17. In separate papers published in the February 18 issue of the journal Nature, planetary scientists used images returned by the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft to understand the current and early geology of the Red Planet. A group of scientists led by Alfred McEwen of the University of Arizona found a series of layered deposits 5 to 50 meters (16 to 164 feet) thick spanning nearly the entire length of the giant Valles Marineris canyon on Mars. The layers appear to have been laid down by volcanic activity. The layers, about 8 km (5 mi.) deep within the canyon, were not expected. Scientists had predicted that rock fractured by impacts that were commonplace in the early history of the planet would have mixed up the layers. McEwen and colleagues concluded that the layers formed after the end of the impact period, and thus volcanic events were much more common and long-lasting than once thought. "Volcanism on early Mars has probably been much more extensive that previously documented, and it must have affected the climate and near-surface environment," they wrote in their Nature paper. The scientists left open the possibility that volcanism was still a factor on Mars today, noting that some volcanic features appeared as young as 40 millions years old. There is no evidence of current volcanic activity on the planet, though. Extensive volcanism could have replenished supplies of carbon dioxide in the early Martian atmosphere, enabling a greenhouse effect that kept the planet warm and wet, they noted. This requires, though, that Martian rocks contain carbonates that can be converted to carbon dioxide by volcanic activity, something that has not yet been confirmed. Another team of scientists has used MGS images to track the movement of sand dunes on the surface of the planet. The scientists found that the dunes were split into two types: dark dunes, made of grains from eroded lava flows, and light dunes, possibly made from sulphates like gypsum, similar to dunes on Earth. "We don't really know the composition of the bright dunes but we are inferring sulphates because Viking and other data showed a lot of sulphates in the Martian soil," said Peter Thomas of Cornell University. "Gypsum would be bright and soft enough to erode quickly downwind as the images indicate." Winds on Mars are strong enough to shift the dunes only part of the year, when Mars is close enough to the Sun in its slightly elliptical orbit to get the extra solar energy needed to generate high winds. Movement of the dunes matches models of the atmosphere and winds, Thomas said. The results come from images taken by Mars Global Surveyor in 1998, during a break in its extended aerobraking maneuver needed to enter its final mapping orbit. MGS completed aerobraking in early February and, after a few final maneuvers, will begin collecting data in its mapping orbit in March. Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: SpaceViews - 22 February 1999 [3/4] Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... Atlas Launches Japanese Comsat After more than a month's worth of delays, a Lockheed Martin Atlas booster launched a Japanese communications satellite from Cape Canaveral, Florida, Monday evening, February 15. The Atlas 2AS lifted off at 8:45 pm EST (0145 UT) from the Cape. The launch was delayed by an hour because of a possible problem with a stuck drain valve in the Centaur upper stage's oxygen tank. The problem was traced to a faulty indicator. The Atlas was originally scheduled for a mid-January launch, but problems with the satellite delayed the launch to the end of the month. After two scrubs because of poor weather, a problem with the Centaur upper stage pushed the launch back to the 14th, when a bad pressure reading from a fuel tank scrubbed the launch. The JCSAT-6 communications satellite, built by Hughes, will be used by Japan Satellite Systems to provide voice, data, and television signals for Japan and the Asia-Pacific region. Venus Subject to Radical Climate Changes The cloudy, extremely hot atmosphere of the planet Venus may have undergone dramatic changes that may also be possible on the Earth, University of Colorado scientists reported Thursday, February 18. In an article to be published in the March issue of the magazine Scientific American, Colorado planetary scientists Mark Bullock and David Grinspoon outlined a model of the planet's atmosphere that may have had the cloud-shrouded planet free of clouds as recently as 30 million years ago. Bullock and Grinspoon trace their model back 800 million years, when a massive volcanic event resurfaced the entire planet, dumping enough lava to pave over the planet to a depth of 10 kilometers (6 miles). That volcanic event also released large amounts of water vapor and sulfur dioxide, both greenhouse gases. While those gases would have initially warmed the planet, they would also have formed clouds that would have blocked out the Sun, eventually cooling the planet, cooling the planet down to nearly 90 degrees Celsius (200 degrees Fahrenheit). As the planet cooled, the water vapor clouds rose through the atmosphere, where sunlight would have disassociated them, allowing hydrogen to escape. The sulfur dioxide would have returned to the surface. As the planet warmed up again, the clouds cleared out, leaving the atmosphere clear 200 million years ago. Bullock and Grinspoon believe the planet remained clear for more than 200 million years, until volcanic activity started up again no later than 30 million years ago, throwing more material into the atmosphere to form the thick cloud deck seen today. "Our model shows Venus has changed dynamically in the recent past," Bullock said. "Since Venus and Earth have a number of similarities, there are implications here for our own future." Radical changes in climate are not unheard of on the Earth, Grinspoon said, pointing to data from ice cores that show changes of over 10 degrees Celsius (18 degrees Fahrenheit) in less than a decade. Eventually, though, Earth and Venus will resemble one another, as increased energy from the Sun evaporates the Earth's oceans and triggers a runaway greenhouse effect in about one billion years they said. "In the long term Earth's fate is sealed." SpaceViews Event Horizon February 23 Delta 2 launch of the Argos, Sunsat, and Oersted satellites at 5:10 am EST (1010 UT) from Vandenberg AFB, California February 26 Ariane 4 launch of the Arabsat-3A and Skynet-4E comsats at 5:44 pm EST (2244 UT) from Kourou, French Guiana. March 1 Pegasus XL launch of the WIRE science satellite at 9:51 pm EST (0251 UT March 2) from off the coast of Vandenberg AFB, California March 7-13 Spaceweek -- simultaneous pro-space events around the globe March 11 Soyuz-Ikar launch of four Globalstar satellites from Baikonur, Kazakhstan March 14 Zenit 3SL launch of a dummy payload from the Sea Launch platform in the Pacific Ocean March 21-26 ProSpace March Storm, Washington, DC Other News Radarsat Tiff: The U.S. may back off on plans to launch a Canadian remote-sensing satellite, Space News reported last week. The U.S. had agreed to launch the Radarsat-2 satellite on a NASA-supplied rocket in 2001 at no charge, in exchange for access to the data. However, the satellite will be capable of providing data with resolutions as sharp as 3 meters, better than the current Radarsat's 8-meter resolution and in violation of a Defense Department policy that forbids commercial missions capable of resolutions better than 5 meters. Canada plans to make the data from Radarsat-2 commercially available, adding to American defense concerns. Canadian officials said that even if denied a launch on an American booster, they would pay the extra money to launch the satellite on a European, Russian, or other launcher. An additional complication: the company building Radarsat for the Canadian Space Agency, MacDonald Dettweiler and Associates, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of American aerospace company Orbital Sciences Corporation. Ukraine, Brazil Deal: A Ukrainian aerospace company is working with the Brazilian government to develop a launch site in Brazil, Reuters reported last week. NPO Yuzhnoye, builder of the Zenit and Tsyklon boosters, and an Italian company are working with Brazil's space agency to develop a launch site for Tsyklon launches. Negotiations for such a venture are ongoing, Yuzhnoye officials told Reuters. Yuzhnoye is also involved with the Sea Launch project, supplying the Zenit boosters. Brazil has made one attempt to launch a rocket of its own: the VLS-1 rocket failed a little more than a minute after launch in November 1997. Delta Launch Date Set: Boeing will once again try to launch a long-delayed Delta 2 booster early Tuesday, February 23. The Delta 2 is scheduled for launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, at 5:10 am EST (1010 UT). The launch has been postponed for over a month because of poor weather and technical problems, including a power surge before the last launch attempt February 13. The booster is carrying the ARGOS satellite for the Air Force as well as South Africa's Sunsat and Denmark's Oersted microsatellites. Muscles for a Nanorover: A NASA "nanorover" designed to explore an asteroid will be the first test for an innovative new artificial muscle, NASA reported February 18. The plastic strips, which bend when a current is applied, will be used on the MUSES-CN nanorover to clear dust off viewing windows of science instruments. The rover will be flown on the Japanese MUSES-C mission scheduled for launch in 2002 to explore an asteroid and return samples. Mirror Matter: A class of unusual objects found on the edges of the Milky Way galaxy may be made of an invisible "mirror" matter, scientists reported. MACHOs, massive compact halo objects observed on the outer fringes of the galaxy, may be made of a mirror matter created during the Big Bang. Such matter would generate and feel the effects of gravity, but would not generate photons and hence would be invisible. while mirror matter was first theorized in the 1980s, there is no way yet to detect it or to confirm that it makes up MACHOs. Galactic Cannibal: New Hubble images provide evidence that an elliptical galaxy has "consumed" one or more other galaxies in its history, astronomers reported February 18. Hubble images of NGC 1316 resolved faint star clusters typically found around spiral but not elliptical galaxies, evidence that NGC 1316 cannibalized a spiral galaxy in the past. Wisps of dust seen around the galaxy are also evidence of galactic cannibalism, however, the dust ages don't match up with the star clusters', which lead astronomer Carl Grillmair interpreted to mean that the clusters were from an earlier collision. In Brief: NASA is taking the forward assemblies of two shuttle solid rocket boosters on display at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center, the Huntsville Times reported last week. NASA is taking the cone-shaped tops of the boosters, which house recovery parachutes and control systems, because of a dire need for spare parts. It will cost only a few hundred thousand to refurbish the museum pieces (and provide replicas for the museum) compared to the $5-10 million estimated cost to build new ones... JPL is increasing the incentive to enter its latest naming contest. The winner of the contest to name the two Deep Space Two microprobes will get a $4,000 gift certificate from CompUSA. Check http://nmp.jpl.nasa.gov/ds2/ for more contest information... The movie "October Sky" opened this past weekend to positive reviews, with many critics calling it the best movie yet in 1999. The movie, based on the memoir "Rocket Boys" by Homer Hickam, took in $6 million on its opening weekend, fifth best and most for any movie premiering that weekend. Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: SpaceViews - 22 February 1999 [4/4] Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... *** Articles *** So You Want to "Get Into" SETI (part 3) by Larry Klaes [Editor's Note: Parts 1 and 2 of this article appeared in the January 22 and February 8 issues, respectively, and are available online at http://www.spaceviews.com/1999/01/article2a.html and http://www.spaceviews.com/1999/02/article2a.html. This is the final installment of the article.] Amateur SETI Organizations Another nice thing in this era of computers and the Internet is that you don't have to be alone in pursuing your personal SETI dream. There are some actual amateur SETI organizations which can help you with all aspects of your search plans. If you want to find alien intelligences in the microwave (radio) realm, the most common pursuit at present, check in with The SETI League. The SETI League, Inc. was founded by Richard Factor in 1994, in response to the United States' Government cutting all funds for NASA's SETI program, called the High Resolution Microwave Survey (HRMS) in October, 1993. Dr. H. Paul Shuch, the SETI League's executive director, felt that between the advancements in computer technology and the vast numbers of actual and potential radio astronomers around the world, a serious amateur effort could be mounted to have a constant global coverage of the sky, free from the budget-cutting politicians and scant time on the professionals' giant radio telescopes. The SETI League's Web site (http://www.setileague.org) contains just about everything you need to know about setting up your own radio telescope for the search. They can also postal mail you the same information if need be. There is also loads of information on SETI in general. The Optical Approach There is another way one can look for ETI transmissions that briefly gained prominence in the early 1960s, only to be overshadowed by the microwave field until just recently: The optical spectrum. While not as popular or well known to those with a casual knowledge of SETI due to microwave's dominance for the past three decades, Optical SETI seeks to detect pulsed and continuous wave laser beacons signals in the visible and infrared spectrum. To truly advanced societies, laser communications offer a way to transmit large amounts of audiovisual information and data over vast distances. Seeing as we do not exactly know how ETI might communicate, looking for them in the microwave and optical spectrums seems the only logical way to cover all the bases. For the past several years, Dr. Stuart Kingsley of Ohio, who has often referred to himself as a "frustrated astronaut", has led the effort to promote Optical SETI for both amateurs and professionals. He has designed his own system called the Columbus Optical SETI Observatory. At first glance, it looks like the typical kind of observatory you would find in a serious amateur astronomer's back yard. But Dr. Kingsley's choice of targets goes beyond planets and stars to beings which may dwell in other star systems. Seeing as more amateurs have optical telescopes than radio ones, it can be relatively easy to adapt your system to conduct SETI. Dr. Kingsley has provided a great deal of information on how to do this in his Web site at: http://www.coseti.org . As with microwave, while you won't need a large radio dish, you will still require a dedication and seriousness to astronomy, a working knowledge of optical telescopes and computers, a good place to set up your observatory, plenty of free time, and some extra spending cash. There is also "Retrospective Optical SETI" which doesn't require the availability of a telescope but seeks to search through the existing historical record and database of stellar spectrographic plates that have accumulated over the past century, looking for anomalous spectral lines. Such lines might indicate the presence of a laser beacon signal but had not previously been noted or had been dismissed by an astronomer as a "glitch" in his or her equipment! Beyond Radio and Lasers Of course ETI might be sending messages through the Milky Way using techniques which are neither radio nor optical, but most of these methods are far beyond current amateur -- and in some cases professional -- capabilities. Thus they will remain out of the main scope of this article. You can read about these alternate signaling methods for your own intellectual curiosity in the following article at this Web site URL: http://www.setiquest.com/lemav/lemav0n0.htm and http://www.coseti.org/lemarch1.htm . Beyond the Observatory If you prefer or decide not to become an active SETI scientist, but still want to make some kind of a living in the field, you can always pursue other avenues that while they may not allow you to find ETI in person, they can go a long way towards making those discoveries possible. One avenue is to write about extraterrestrial life for periodicals and Web sites. Though it sometimes helps, you do not have to be a professional exobiologist to get published on the subject matter in the popular science magazines. Your research into alien life and its possible ways of being could go far in making breakthroughs in a field that still has so many unknowns to answer. You can also write about astrobiology and SETI to explain its intricacies to the general public, a valuable service in its own right. Just think, your works could inspire others to become scientists in the SETI field and elsewhere, just as you were probably once inspired by similar circumstances. Most importantly, don't ever forget in your pursuit of alien life to enjoy what you are doing. SETI and its related fields should always retain at least some of the wonder and excitement which drew you to it in the first place. Never forget to keep reading, thinking, and speculating about life out there, whether you pursue this as a profession or just an "armchair" enthusiast. You will do yourself and the field a great deal of good with this one basic point. The Choice is Yours Despite how it might seem at first glance, my goal with this article is not to discourage you from "doing" SETI. Rather, I am presenting to you up front the realities of what is involved as the field stands now. It would be worse for you to get all worked up and make elaborate plans about SETI, only to be shot down in midstream. If exploring the stars is your dream, learn how to do it realistically, rather than be defeated out of lack of knowledge on the subject. If you discover that you do not really want to pursue SETI beyond reading and thinking about it, then at least I hope I saved you some time and energy on the matter so that you can still enjoy the subject. Remember, you do not have to make your own SETI station to participate in this great endeavor. Thoughtful speculation can be just as helpful with so many unknown factors out there which have yet to be found. However, if everything I have said has made you still determined to pursue either a professional career or serious amateur goal to do SETI, then more power to you! At the very least, you will be well rewarded in terms of what you will discover about yourself and the Universe as a whole. And who knows, maybe someday you will be the one sitting at the observatory controls when the signal of a lifetime comes drifting in from deep space. With a Cosmos as large as ours, the possibilities are truly astronomical. Larry Klaes (lklaes@bbn.com) is the Northeastern U.S. Regional Coordinator for the SETI League and coordinator for the Columbus Optical SETI (COSETI) Observatory. The full text of this article is also available online at http://www.coseti.org/soyuseti.htm. This has been the February 22, 1999, issue of SpaceViews. SpaceViews is also available on the World Wide web from the SpaceViews home page: http://www.spaceviews.com/ or via anonymous FTP from ftp.seds.org: ftp://ftp.seds.org/pub/info/newsletters/spaceviews/text/19990222.txt To unsubscribe from SpaceViews, send mail to: majordomo@spaceviews.com In the body (not subject) of the message, type: unsubscribe spaceviews For editorial questions and article submissions for SpaceViews, including letters to the editor, contact the editor, Jeff Foust, at jeff@spaceviews.com For questions about the SpaceViews mailing list, please contact spaceviews-approval@spaceviews.com. ____ | "SpaceViews" (tm) -by Boston Chapter // \ // | of the National Space Society (NSS) // (O) // | Dedicated to the establishment // \___// | of a spacefaring civilization. - To NOT receive future newsletters, send this message to our NEW address: - To: majordomo@SpaceViews.com - Subject: anything - unsubscribe SpaceViews - E-Mail List services provided by Northern Winds: www.nw.net - SpaceViews (tm) is published for the National Space Society (NSS), - copyright (C) Boston Chapter of National Space Society - www.spaceviews.com www.nss.org (jeff@spaceviews.com) Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: STARDUST Now On Its Wild(-2) Ride Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... >From the "JPL Universe" February 19, 1999 STARDUST Now On Its Wild(-2) Ride Spacecraft in excellent health after Feb. 7 launch JPL's STARDUST spacecraft successfully shot into a clear blue sky atop a Delta II rocket from Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Station at 1:04:15 p.m. PST on Feb. 7 to become the first U.S. mission destined for a comet, and the first-ever spacecraft sent to bring a sample of a comet back to Earth. Launch occurred following a 24-hour postponement due to a problem with telemetry data from a radar beacon on the Delta launch vehicle used to track the rocket as it ascends. The STARDUST team reported that the spacecraft was in excellent health and that its power and temperature levels were normal. The spacecraft is in communication with NASA's Deep Space Network, and is controlled through the mission operations area at Lockheed Martin Astronautics in Denver and monitored at JPL. "It's great to have the 'voyage' begun," said STARDUST Project Manager Dr. Kenneth Atkins. "After the launch, Don Brownlee (STARDUST's principal investigator, a professor at the University of Washington) and I made a 'pilgrimage' back to the launch pad. It was impressive to see that place where so much of our last three and a half years of work had been just hours before -- now empty. It was a moving experience." Two very special guests attended the launch: Swiss astronomer Dr. Paul Wild, discover of the comet that is STARDUST's destination, and American astronomer Dr. Fred Whipple, who lent his name to the Whipple shields that will protect the spacecraft from the hail of debris when STARDUST collects its comet sample. Dr. Peter Tsou, who developed the aerogel for STARDUST, hosted the two visiting scientists. About 4 minutes after separation from the Delta's third stage, STARDUST's solar arrays began to unfold and pointed toward the Sun. The spacecraft's signal was successfully acquired by the NASA Deep Space Network complex in Canberra, Australia, 51 minutes after launch at 1:55 p.m. PST. STARDUST is on a flight path that will deliver it to Comet Wild-2 (pronounced "Vilt-2" on Jan. 2, 2004. The spacecraft will gather particles flying off the nucleus of the comet. In addition, STARDUST will attempt to gather samples from a stream of interstellar dust that flows through the solar system. Captured in 132 tiles of a glass foam called aerogel, the comet and interstellar dust samples will be enclosed in a clamshell-like capsule that will be dropped off for reentry into Earth's atmosphere in January 2006. Equipped with parachutes, the capsule will float to a pre-selected spot in the Utah desert, where it will be retrieved and its contents delivered to scientists at Johnson Space Center in Houston for detailed analysis. Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: This Week On Galileo - February 22-28, 1999 Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... THIS WEEK ON GALILEO February 22-28, 1999 This week Galileo continues to playback science data stored on the spacecraft's on-board tape recorder. The data was acquired a few weeks ago during Galileo's close flyby of Europa, Jupiter's icy moon. This was the last flyby of Europa for the Galileo Europa Mission, and the ninth in a series that began with the last orbit of Galileo's primary mission. Data playback is interrupted once this week to allow the spacecraft to perform standard maintenance on its on-board tape recorder. Data from six observations are returned this week. Five of these were performed by the spacecraft camera, and one by the fields and particles instruments. Playback of the fields and particles observation occurs throughout the week, intermingled with the five spacecraft camera observations. The observation contains data on plasma, dust, and magnetic and electric fields, and were recorded during Galileo's closest approach to Europa. The data will improve scientists' understanding of the interactions between Europa and Jupiter's magnetosphere. The camera's observations all contain images of Europa. The first provides information describing plains near Europa's north pole. The second covers a part of Europa that contains a feature known as Rhadamanthys Linea. This feature is believed to have been formed by cryovolcanic activity, and the data will allow scientists to determine the degree to which this volcanic activity may have occurred. The next three observations capture data on Europa's Pwyll crater, a region of mottled terrain, and a region with specular or mirror-like appearance. Similar regions were observed during Galileo's close flyby of Europa in November 1997, the last of Galileo's primary mission. For more information on the Galileo spacecraft and its mission to Jupiter, please visit the Galileo home page: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/galileo Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Wide-Field Infrared Explorer To Survey Starbust Galaxies Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... Don Savage Headquarters, Washington, DC February 23, 1999 (Phone: 202/358-1547) Lynn Jenner Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD (Phone: 301/286-0045) Jane Platt Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (Phone: 818/354-0880) RELEASE: 99-25 WIDE-FIELD INFRARED EXPLORER TO SURVEY STARBURST GALAXIES One of NASA's smallest spacecraft, scheduled for launch March 1, will tackle a very big cosmic question: What is the history of star-formation in the Universe? NASA's first new spacecraft in the Origins Program, the Wide-Field Infrared Explorer (WIRE), is scheduled for launch at 10 p.m. EST on March 1 from Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB), CA. The four-month mission will help understand how and when galaxies formed, and the subsequent history of star-formation in the Universe. Answers to these questions will shed a strong light on the very nature of the Universe. "In many ways this inaugural mission of NASA's Origins Program, which will study the birth of star-forming galaxies, will move us towards our ultimate goals," said Dr. Harley Thronson, acting director of the Astronomical Search for Origins science theme at NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC. "One of the Origins Program's long-term goals is to understand the formation of not only the Universe, but the galaxies and stars we see everywhere in the cosmos. WIRE will provide us with a wealth of information, which will get us closer to understanding how the Universe could reach the point of forming Sun-like stars and Earth-like planets. And, WIRE will do that at a very modest cost." "Our science team will measure how densely filled the Universe has been with star-forming galaxies during its history, and how quickly those galaxies have been forming stars," said WIRE Principal Investigator Perry Hacking of Vanguard Research, Inc., Fairfax, VA; NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Pasadena, CA; and a professor at El Camino College, Torrance, CA. "WIRE also will conduct a search for powerful, dusty quasars in the very early Universe, shortly after the Big Bang. If found in significant numbers, these quasars will carry strong implications about the age and structure of our Universe." Additional WIRE science investigations will include detailed inventories of some star-forming regions in our own Milky Way galaxy; searches for small, substellar objects called 'methane dwarfs,' which are essentially more massive versions of the planet Jupiter; searches of nearby stars for leftover debris from planet formation; a more complete inventory of the asteroid belt, and much more. The 561-pound (254-kg) spacecraft will be launched from Vandenberg AFB on a Pegasus-XL launch vehicle built by Orbital Sciences Corporation. The launch vehicle is a three-stage, solid- propellant booster system carried aloft by a Lockheed L-1011 jet aircraft. The system will be released when the aircraft reaches an altitude of about 40,000 feet (12,200 meters). The WIRE instrument consists of a 12.5-inch (30-centimeter) aperture Cassegrain telescope with no moving parts and a field of view about the size of the full moon. The telescope is enclosed within a two-stage, state-of-the-art, solid-hydrogen cryostat, which will keep the instrument's mirrors cooled to below -436 F. The cryostat is designed like a thermos bottle, using a vacuum space between layers of insulation, and uses the sublimation (the direct transition from a solid to a gas) of frozen hydrogen to cool the telescope. The telescope must be cold so that its own heat emission doesn't overwhelm the light that it is trying to detect from space. The WIRE observatory will be inserted into an orbit with an altitude of 340 miles (540 km) above the Earth, and will orbit the Earth every 90 minutes. The observed data will be stored in the spacecraft memory and sent to ground stations at Poker Flat, AL, and NASA's Wallops Flight Facility, VA. From there the data will be sent to the spacecraft control center at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, and then on to the science operations center at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, for data calibration and analysis. The WIRE teaming partner is Space Dynamics Laboratory at Utah State University, Logan, UT. WIRE is the last of an initial series of Small Explorers (SMEX) that have been designed and built at Goddard. The Small Explorer office has provided the mission, spacecraft, and ground system engineering and the principal investigator has provided the scientific instrumentation for these missions. The WIRE observatory was integrated into a three-axis- stabilized spacecraft designed, built, and tested by the SMEX Project Team at Goddard. The telescope assembly is provided to Goddard by JPL. After an initial checkout period of thirty days on orbit, scientific operations will be coordinated by JPL through the science operations center at IPAC. The SMEX program provides frequent flight opportunities for highly focused, relatively inexpensive and small space science missions. Each mission is cost-capped for design, development, and operations through the first 30 days in orbit. Using modern technology and management techniques, the program is dedicated to the forty-year Explorer Program tradition of service to the space science community. "The Small Explorer program has produced remarkable results," said Jim Watzin, Project Manager for SMEX. The SMEX program already has four spacecraft (SAMPEX, FAST, SWAS and TRACE) successfully operating on-orbit. "All were completed on schedule and within or below the program cost constraints," he said. "All missions differed dramatically from each other in form, function, and scope. WIRE will be the fifth and final mission developed in this manner." Future SMEX missions are to be built at the institution chosen by the principal investigator. The WIRE Project website is located at: http://sunland.gsfc.nasa.gov/smex/wire/ The WIRE science website is located at: http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/wire/ - end - Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: WIRE Prepares For Launch Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... >From The "JPL Universe" February 19, 1999 WIRE Prepares For Launch Origins mission set for launch March 1 or 2 from Vandenberg AFB Final preparations are under way for the launch of NASA's Wide Field Infrared Explorer (WIRE) spacecraft, which will soon embark on a four-month mission to assemble a history of the star and galaxy formation of the universe. As Universe went to press, WIRE was scheduled for launch March 1 or 2 from California's Vandenberg Air Force Base. JPL manages the mission and provided the science instrument for the spacecraft, which was built by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. The WIRE instrument consists of a 30-centimeter aperture (12.5-inch) Cassegrain telescope with no moving parts, said WIRE principal investigator Perry Hacking. The telescope is enclosed within a two-stage, state-of-the-art, solid-hydrogen cryostat, which uses the sublimation (transition directly from solid to gas) of frozen hydrogen to cool the telescope. The cryostat is designed like a thermos bottle, using a vacuum space between layers of insulation to minimize heat flow to the inside. The telescope mirrors are cooled to less than 13 Kelvin (K) (-436 F) and the focal plane arrays are cooled to less than 7 K (-447 F) using only 4.5 kilograms (9.9 pounds) of solid hydrogen. The telescope must be cold so that its own infrared light doesn't overwhelm the light that it is trying to detect from space. WIRE will concentrate its observations on starburst galaxies, luminous galaxies that are producing new stars at 10 times the rate of typical galaxies. It will also search for extremely distant ultra-luminous infrared galaxies, very energetic galaxies that are producing stars 100 times faster than typical star-forming galaxies. WIRE will examine the remote universe to determine the large-scale distribution of galaxies, which will be used to test competing theories of galaxy evolution. WIRE is expected to detect more than 100,000 star-forming galaxies, most of which will lie more than 4 billion light-years away. Some of the ultraluminous galaxies will probably be many billions of light-years away, Hacking said, possibly representing the first galaxies to form. WIRE is scheduled to inventory 100,000 galaxies within a region of the sky equal to 5,000 times the area of the full moon, or between 2 and 3 percent of the celestial sphere. The WIRE telescope and spacecraft have recently been attached to a Pegasus rocket, from which launch will occur under the belly of a Lockheed L-1011 aircraft. The WIRE cryostat was also recently filled with its supply of solid hydrogen coolant at Vandenberg, Hacking said. WIRE will be carried to an altitude of approximately 11.9 kilometers (39,000 feet), at which point the Pegasus rocket will be launched and subsequently place the WIRE spacecraft into a nearly polar, circular orbit 540 kilometers (335 miles) above the Earth. Data analysis will take place at Caltech's Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC), which is managed by JPL. WIRE is part of NASA's Small Explorer Program, which provides frequent flight opportunities for highly focused and relatively inexpensive space science missions. "WIRE greatly exceeds all of its most important performance specifications, and was delivered on time and $10 million under budget," Hacking said. "It is the first of the Small Explorers to do all three. "The WIRE team has worked hard and we eagerly await the receipt of these exciting data," he added. For more information about the mission, go online to http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/swire. Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Свидание Венеры и Юпитер Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... Свидание Венеры и Юпитера Вот уже несколько дней на небе можно было наблюдать постепенно сближающиеся планеты Венеру и Юпитер. Вчера 23 февраля была кульминация этого явления - Венера и Юпитер подошли друг к другу на расстояние 0,2 град. Визуально казалось, что они касаются друг друга. Это зрелище можно было (при условии хорошей погоды) видеть практически в любой точке Земли за исключением полярных областей, причем невооруженным глазом. Конечно же это просто оптический эффект - Венера и Юпитер находятся очень далеко друг от друга. Сейчас Венера расположена от Земли на расстоянии 215 млн км. Она ярче Юпитера, потому что она покрыта непрозрачным слоем сильно отражающих солнечный свет облаков. Юпитер находится намного дальше - на расстоянии около 865 млн км, его диаметр в 11 раз больше, чем у Венеры, и он также покрыт облаками. Источник: InfoArt News Agency Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Свидание Венеры и Юпитер (картинка) [1/2] Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... section 1 of 2 of file sv-02234.jpg < uuencode 5.32 by R.E.M. > begin 644 sv-02234.jpg M_]C_X``02D9)1@`!`@$`2`!(``#__@`F1FEL92!W<FET=&5N(&)Y($%D;V)E M(%!H;W1O<VAO<*@@-2XR_^X`#D%D;V)E`&2``````?_;`(0`#`@("`D(#`D) M#!$+"@L1%0\,#`\5&!,3%1,3&!$,#`P,#`P1#`P,#`P,#`P,#`P,#`P,#`P, M#`P,#`P,#`P,#`$-"PL-#@T0#@X0%`X.#A04#@X.#A01#`P,#`P1$0P,#`P, M#!$,#`P,#`P,#`P,#`P,#`P,#`P,#`P,#`P,#`P,_\``$0@`R`$L`P$B``(1 M`0,1`?_=``0`$__$`+$``0`"`P$!```````````````!!@,$!0('`0$!`0$! 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    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Свидание Венеры и Юпитер (картинка) [2/2] Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... section 2 of 2 of file sv-02234.jpg < uuencode 5.32 by R.E.M. > MW\LRCNYUW'O$2+/CFVT*=U3#21U_X+3MM9.6<CBQMW#8(T5O51ES`\?O,L$G MW7S'?O?X7Q<&/XCF(G')W(WC](UZ85B6D)&X+Q-MGW%(F&S8,VS[CO7M_#JJ M5K4TM,X,&YB,O/P\T)T!S;>#VI[1(?$TZ'C;*KOP1R-D</DCR\W58IBZ9/N* M1"U;HI]:D5E_3T^.OGE-5_M]M2MFG*!<AYGB_P`V5HH:+AE\M%T\Y.W_`*G_ M`-BMP(&+Y`W,/%-$(Q'$;O730T*^QP/LE9XJH-=OC7+<EQQ9*1!;=;E#H3;J M:HABB[3PZ:%<W=W?'72F_>KF62#K.<+DZ&(*A/-HA&TBHI"A:V$0=X;K:XLW M#2X>JN@J)6")G\K$RWYPV^135)2<,^U#U[S;H^)HO<JU8-Y[/X.<DJ1OSFWE M,6S+4T:41T4$+JVMRZO3M>LL[)66;(ZE,I6:6P;#Q`2:*BUAKWF!6SCY#<61 MZ@B=!QH5*.3*HA(ZGPB4B[H"7NU;^*XILHD=6@`I$LR'=<1"0$%$]@KXRNK8 MYK@&XD7=(`20V:`2MI:)HJ:^&N#]11[GZ4/E)=.$E9XK*:CYA'Y64<Q+5JJ[ M(:W+W$N`_3"48'7`WB'J<(+/^75J'EF'5J6;LQL4<=GN2HC#;R-R_5,BW#LO M9;_Z=WI/U>Q\VN?.Q33/(\:U&C0HS$N&SOBZHO,-$("<]P[W#\QC]XY>Y6=H M>,Y1MV=$QS;8AEHX"*&`($2T6]U^.8%<P\0>>W\YWOUF^FS5FGBEEIP*@O*, M2+`O[D9P_P`D&$D967+O4@<4MB1HV+9L6LF3'G;557D;F+=S<MS$(*0#.YA` M$A%$5!NM!Q!,!ONKH\N@89A69F+U;]2_+!YA3`Q'9=L;-E&FV=IIT3\MNK*S M_+'%.Y&%I+>3'.L#ZM;@W1DF+;C+#7E6V.A(!WX3G0R]UU'N;6TE:SLM2MA] MS^/"(;/F]*M4;^7N6F07)\<Q%M=\H[9"XJF#!$!WO-M+&8,[/)%YQO=K`SPF M:^6-::EQEE99H'X\95-#1LD<,W75V]L08!D]SK_AUOZC:Q\2PS^R!#*Y2NV? M&1-F;(A9"/-8@,(^Z;:.#[3V-M!>:;Z[NKW-NMH^#RFG<@$F=&CMXM(Q2'G- MRS26E[5FVT9]'BZ*/>VUF_9#GX>'ST)#*U4B*D2(GM6NZ7$)J0UG[[2PO0^O M]1U6]_T_H^[_`-7O^79W/MUH85A'YS8+[%5*JW*M-U<Z<Q!8,'B(D*$YE\FJ M!'915025$4R1%(66KN^ZY;TUH,\YF_F.Y(9;+&D6BPA$>EO[#]J.$Z/OEWZ\ M\YFO%DQQ:B@1\>(HT*>U5<!MUQP_UJK=?-W=VUK3,0;2+I.QD',8X<KBA)`) M5%QHM+P)/"=JE^Q7O"8>%BV5RV9Z8K*]Q>\9>%IL?$X=/Y4/,EF9./>0S26P MJM@.EJFTNYUW=WHOLKB\RR>1F9I^--%&!A.$RW%;6X&[5M+J^\<+3K=K7U%M M&GCS$'C*<JR,W*-SHY+$",OX-D%Z6Q^U\TS^^O\`B?PZ[O\`_24NW?RYK=]- M;IX?57_'NNN]+Z?[CXF]][]Y5(I7&7S*?__2^54I2@+%PW(0H*9U9;HL^IP\ MN,Q=KUNN;2--#IXCTJNTI0"E*ZL7BV?EPDGL1"*,2$0&I`*F@?$)EMPP=>$- M/N@HVEF#!@IS&/S,.=(0B9CO`XX((BDHBNI6(1`-W[57R/SSB03%DBW,;777 MJ;#M_P!Q\ZI`\:SAJJ!$,E2)^8=BBOX5?_F.]W?L_$K4F8Z;!1A9;2M>J9&0 MQJJ+<T>NV[TJMHG;XJM;Q@GF(/H65Y/_`"PR$"0VF,VY9-N*R\,<6EWE$MLC M<C&)GYGS*K7"SX2)2UY6!GV-^CMW=-45S?O]*HE\GOU6J5`?4N3<SXI-XS.Q MV.E*CA-`W&C[3@)H)AT!Y>V`@V'BKY;2E&Y`I2E`*4I0"K%P"'ZSD\=FXP6Q MTT5M;5U$"+3[0%XPJNUTXO&\Y+**,6(;I3@-V+:H]8-+:\0]73ME[U)C$%MS MG#LA(F&XVVNBK]%<M>$Y1/NUKEQ,'R>6D8XS+QI+!QU@D-$16VBVWGC(C'9; M!SIW'MNO<K&\LB#(-]7Q&(`.ODCR$@@Z2M,N(K;I[@&X-GEUZJ^OLE&'>9TE MHPT3.8IO95C>:UN$53V+[PKX:\9]G/Y=$;-E6VA\"?35>DQ>:Q%DC)<F-+!; M!V3<^26`ZMK)+YOWA>[6@G(N0(B(F3EHB=B)ON?WZB]6M6O0M7,NDZG^DLI\ MI?[*)Q'*+]TO]E<O_47(/^YS/\]S^_3_`%'R'_NDS_/<_OUT^NMTDTG47B.4 M3[I?[*[")RY,FSDT71^.C=@:+MZM!Z=HC9[A&+1=ZJFG(N0(B(F3EHB=B(C[ MG]^G^HN0?]SF?Y[G]^LV]7J\U$\&L>5LQI+4C?)$AC#?C,2FVU<)@GV1<)I7 M5O=V#+NW'U]58A;Y2,O'RV_+?Q30L1#$4[`&_I-%U%R[=,3JN!R;D0:Z9*4N MOO.F7_G(JW(6<YA*:DG$F/NA%:5Z0MZ*H-HMI.=?7TW?=UGZFN/[=<9_%G_V M+'VEI`<TRT<F/&C-O206/(A#%!(Y-JNZCAM]UQW<]ZM6:SRS(-Y%7P!1R21T MEV@@Z^FZ8VV/@^W97%<#GC*F+LB<"MQ4G'=(--(ZK:C_`,7WO!\2LLN'_,*& M`G(?FCN$``*2E(U)Q41H19;>-WS+O<K*]31.=%9_X\0AG7=C9=>),\=;:<T2 M03[QEI;;[6V&_%9N>>?[VN;B<#D8DT#)I=$5/T5X=Q_\Q&7&VG)$L3=)0%/6 M(O4(DX39JDCRCL`NARO.5G\\PBMADY#L<CU0$(VS+I0=;K%<+QCWZM?5U4I) M>)NSQS=LQI.ERW@N<DS_`,SQ<9V8U+"]X1T4@<1-""SOV$(CM_Y=4W\MR/JR M@^E>]8"JA1MLMU%1+BN9MW.D?LUU0YWR\$T#*/BG]"I_=K29S^98R9Y9J6X& M0=UW)**EZW=A:]GBK@W+*?3.`\5>X\T.3DJ:3IS2"48@L5D5*^T^HB)P[&_E M65\[Y@JKRG*JOM64[_YEK*7.>6DNI91Y5^E53^[7&DR7Y<AR3)-77WB4W'"] MI$O>):-X`QTI2H#_T_E5*4H!2E*`5=\9R7`!@&H68<'(@PP8,PW(B;[3A:V) M%R8NCML[G7<0;M4BE8O$*9SX%1?L)SO&0,+C6'A,IS1A$G%;JBX]#>=(`7Q% M:_9M_8JM<MRT;+9MR1"N2"TVU'B"::*C3("T/3]HA(ZXU*E=.IQ,X@4I2NA! M2E*`4I2@%*4H!5VXYS>'A^.MLDAKEH3Q#")$Z4C/.QI,P%+WC],X'^)5)I6+ MZ86KF$7]_F.)7D"GCI10L6S!2&R+L9)#;B$>^^W*BJ;96.&??;^76.+RGBC' M)W'6XZLX:7"2--%EJP#>$D?]2Q#O<V&B<``!J^J)2L>"..7\?,4NW(^;P\QQ MPV10TR\UX1G*J="QV794F&`E[P>I:'_#JDTI6Z:8>GF1BE*5L"E*4`KM\0RT M+%Y=3R-RXZ4P]%FB":DK3H*/2G\3;KB4J6B'(+YG^=X_)X&>P`FF2E/+':*W M1$@(\4Q@+_>^YLJ<[RG#3I\>=$G["LN1C1`@-^H!6D`#<]<9;C]EM^PYY9_" MJA4KDM'">)<2V<PSF!R<%E(PM/Y;?5R1/8C>D$VU%>A]G<=WY).KN;U<WFF5 KB9GDTW)0E)8TA05M32U>EMMHM1_6"N+2MTC")R>8%*4K9!2E*`4I2@/_V0`` ` end sum -r/size 53654/3912 section (from first encoded line to "end") sum -r/size 17437/11833 entire input file Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Ракета Delta 2 с тремя спутниками на борту наконец-то взлетела Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... Ракета Delta 2 с тремя спутниками на борту наконец-то взлетела [SpaceViews] Вчера 23 февраля в 13 ч 30 мин по московскому времени с космодрома на базе ВВС США Ванденберг наконец-то стартовала ракета Delta 2 с тремя спутниками на борту, самым крупным из которых является американский военный спутник ARGOS (Advanced Research and Global Observation Satellite) (на рисунке). Это была одиннадцатая попытка запуска, первая была намечена на 14 января. Десять раз старт отменялся то из-за погодных условий, то из-за технических неполадок. 28 января запуск был отменен за 2 секунды до старта - тогда не включился основной двигатель. Кроме спутника ARGOS на орбиту выведены датский научный спутник Oersted и южно-африканский спутник Sunsat для радиолюбительской связи. Источник: InfoArt News Agency Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Ракета Delta 2 с тремя спутниками (картинка) Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... section 1 of 1 of file sv-01173.jpg < uuencode 5.32 by R.E.M. > begin 644 sv-01173.jpg M_]C_X``02D9)1@`!`0$`2`!(``#_VP!#``@&!@<&!0@'!P<)"0@*#!0-#`L+ M#!D2$P\4'1H?'AT:'!P@)"XG("(L(QP<*#<I+#`Q-#0T'R<Y/3@R/"XS-#+_ MVP!#`0D)"0P+#!@-#1@R(1PA,C(R,C(R,C(R,C(R,C(R,C(R,C(R,C(R,C(R M,C(R,C(R,C(R,C(R,C(R,C(R,C(R,C+_P``1"`"5`,@#`2(``A$!`Q$!_\0` M'````04!`0$```````````````$"!`4&`P<(_\0`0Q```@$#`P($`P4#"08' M`````0(#``01!1(A,4$&$R)187&!%",RD:%"L=$'%5)38F2RP>$6)'*"L_`S M-D-$8W/Q_\0`&@$``P$!`0$```````````````$"`P0%!O_$`"<1``("`00! 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    Дата: 24 февраля 1999 (1999-02-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Hа орбитальной станции "Мир" Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... Hа орбитальной станции "Мир" Hа станции "Мир" ведут совместные работы российские космонавты Геннадий Падалка, Сергей Авдеев и Виктор Афанасьев, французский астронавт Жан-Пьер Эньере и космонавт-исследователь из Словакии Иван Белла. 23 февраля были проведены исследования по космической медицине и по оценке психофизиологического состояния космонавтов на начальном этапе пребывания в невесомости, а также состояния их сердечно-сосудистой системы. Иван Белла установил в различных отсеках станции приборы для регистрации электромагнитного и ионизирующего космического излучения. Hа установке "Инкубатор" был начат эксперимент по изучению влияния невесомости и других факторов космического полета на развитие зародышей птиц. Эти исследования проводятся с доставленными на корабле "Союз ТМ-29" яйцами японских перепелов, прошедшими на Земле двухнедельный цикл инкубации. Геннадий Падалка проводил тренировки в пневмовакуумном костюме "Чибис", имитирующем земное притяжение. Источник: InfoArt News Agency Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=

    сайт служит астрономическому сообществу с 2005 года