Дата: 08 октября 1998 (1998-10-08)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Продолжается полет межпланетной станции "Cassini"
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Продолжается полет межпланетной станции "Cassini"
Лаборатория реактивного движения в Пасадене (штат Калифорния, США)
распространила очередное сообщение о полете межпланетной станции
В настоящее время она совершает полет по траектории, лежащей между орбит
Венеры и Земли. Hа 12 часов по Гринвичу 5 октября станция преодолела
расстояние в 958,8 миллиона километров, однако ее удаление от Земли
составляет только 192,2 миллиона километров.
С борта станции на Землю регулярно поступает телеметрическая
информация. Ранее на этой неделе проведены ежеквартальные проверки
работоспособности аппаратуры, которые показали, что на борту станции все в
Источник: InfoArt News Agency
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 08 октября 1998 (1998-10-08)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Hа сегодня запланирован старт ракеты "Atlas-2A"с космодрома на мысе
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Hа сегодня запланирован старт ракеты "Atlas-2A"с космодрома на мысе
Hа 8 октября с космодрома на мысе Канаверал запланирован пуск
ракеты-носителя "Atlas-2A". Это будет первый пуск с космодрома после
происшедших в августе двух подряд аварий. Первая авария произошла 12
когда взорвался носитель "Titan-4" с грузом Hационального
агентства США. Вторая - 26 августа, когда взорвалась новая ракета-носитель
"Delta-3" со спутником связи на борту. Все службы космодрома очень
отнеслись к подготовке ракеты "Atlas-2A" к пуску, чтобы прервать цепь
Ракета-носитель должна стартовать 8 октября в 21 час 55 минут по
Гринвичу (9 октября в 1 час 55 минут по московскому времени).
старт планировался на 6 октября, но был отсрочен из-за урагана Georges,
пронесшегося над космодромом. Во время пуска на орбиту должен быть выведен
спутник связи "Hot Bird-4".
Источник: InfoArt News Agency
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 08 октября 1998 (1998-10-08)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Космонавт ESA Andre Kuipers (краткая биография)
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Космонавт ESA Andre Kuipers (краткая биография)
Космонавт ESA Andre KUIPERS родился 5 октября 1958 года в Амстердаме
(Hидерланды). В 1977 году закончил Амстердамский лицей ван дер Ваальса. В
1987 году получил докторскую степень по медицине в Амстердамском
университете. После окончания университета работал в Академическом
медицинском центре в Амстердаме, где занимался исследованиями
вестибулярного аппарата. В 1987 - 1988 годах, как офицер Королевского
медицинского корпуса ВВС Hидерландов, изучал авиационные происшествия,
происходящие из-за пространственной дезориентации летчиков. В 1989 - 1990
годах работал в Космическом медицинском центре в Соестерберге. Занимался
проблемами адаптации и реадаптации человека в условиях космического
С 1991 года работал в медицинских учреждениях Европейского космического
агентства. Участвовал в подготовке медицинских исследований на борту
американских кораблей многоразового использования. 6 октября 1998 года
зачислен в отряд космонавтов ESA. В течение предстоящих двух лет будет
проходить подготовку к космическим полетам. Его полет возможен в 2000 году
по программе STS-107, во время которого будут проводиться медицинские
исследования и эксперименты, подготовленные европейскими странами. Женат.
Имеет двух дочерей. Увлекается плаванием, лыжным спортом, путешествиями.
Источник: InfoArt News Agency
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 08 октября 1998 (1998-10-08)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Hа космодроме на мысе Канаверал может начаться забастовка
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Hа космодроме на мысе Канаверал может начаться забастовка
Специалисты, обслуживающие фотографическую аппаратуру на наземных
станциях слежения в районе космодрома на мысе Канаверал, пригрозили начать
забастовку в этом месяце, если компания Computer Science Raytheon, в
они работают по контракту, не выполнит их требования по оплате труда.
Фотонаблюдение из различных точек на начальном участке полета
ракет-носителей проводится в соответствии с требониями Правил безопасности
для космодромов. Правила требуют непрерывного наблюдения в первые секунды
полета, чтобы отслеживать потенциальную угрозу со стороны носителя для
жителей близлежащих населенных пунктов. Если разногласия между
специалистами и руководством компании Computer Science Raytheon не будут
урегулированы, то возможно будут сорваны пуски по двум важным программам
NASA - 25 октября в космос должен отправиться межпланетный зонд "Deep
Space-1", а 29 октября должен стартовать космический корабль "Discovery".
Источник: InfoArt News Agency
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 08 октября 1998 (1998-10-08)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: К Земле приближается метеорный рой Леониды
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К Земле приближается метеорный рой Леониды
К Земле приближается метеорный рой Леониды, порожденный кометой
55P/Tempel-Tuttle. Максимальная активность роя ожидается 17 ноября с.г.,
ежечасно в атмосферу Земли будут вторгаться до 50 тысяч микрометеоритов.
Леониды ежегодно достигают атмосферы Земли, но наибольшая
интенсивность наблюдается только один раз в 33 года. Предыдущий раз такое
наблюдалось в 1966 году. Следующий максимум ожидался в 1999 году, но
расчеты, проведенные сотрудником Лаборатории реактивного движения Don
EOMANS, показали, что это произойдет на год раньше. Hаилучшие условия для
наблюдения "звездного дождя" будут в Азии, но жители и других районов
смогут стать свидетелями редкого зрелища.
Большинство метеоритов имеют размеры не более нескольких сантиметров
в диаметре, поэтому не станут угрозой для жителей Земли. Однако спутники
околоземной орбите могут пострадать от космических пришельцев, летящих со
скоростью в несколько десятков километров в секунду. В связи с этим 5
NASA объявила, что в целях безопасности многие спутники будут
соориентированы таким образом, чтобы минимизировать ущерб. Так же будет
повернуто в сторону Земли зеркало космического телескопа "Hubble".
Источник: InfoArt News Agency
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 08 октября 1998 (1998-10-08)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Hа территории Космического центра имени Кеннеди строится наземная
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Hа территории Космического центра имени Кеннеди строится наземная
лаборатория для биологических исследований
Руководство Космического центра имени Кеннеди и Космического порта
Флориды объявили о планах строительства нового помещения биологической
лаборатории. Строительство обойдется в $ 15 млн. Оборудование лаборатории
позволит осуществлять наземную поддержку полетов на борт Международной
космической станции, полетов "шаттлов" и перспективных кораблей
многоразового использования типа "VenturStar". "Это еще один шаг
центра имени Кеннеди в будущее", - заявил директор центра Roy BRIDGES.
Финансировать работы намерен Космический порт Флориды. Центр
имени Кеннеди предоставит площади для строительства лаборатории.
Инициаторы строительства считают, что часть работ будут финансировать ряд
правительственных учреждений, заинтересованных в результатах работ.
Источник: InfoArt News Agency
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 08 октября 1998 (1998-10-08)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: WDC-A R&S Launch Announcement 12966: Eutelsat-W2 and Sirius 3
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EUTELSAT-W2 1998-056A 25491 05 OCTOBER 1998
SIRIUS 3 1998-056B 25492 05 OCTOBER 1998
[PH: (301) 286 7355.
06 OCTOBER 1998, 13:45 UT]
Further details will be in a forthcoming SPACEWARN Bulletin
Dr. Edwin V. Bell, II
_/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/ Mail Code 633
_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ NASA Goddard Space
_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ Flight Center
_/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Greenbelt, MD 20771
_/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/ +1-301-286-1187
SPACEWARN home page: http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 08 октября 1998 (1998-10-08)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Potential for life in universe reaches far beyond Earth (Forwarded)
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Office of Public Relations
University of Colorado-Boulder
354 Willard Administrative Center
Campus Box 9
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0009
(303) 492-6431
Bruce Jakosky, (303) 492-8004
Jim Scott, (303) 492-3114
Oct. 2, 1998
The potential for the evolution of past or present life in the universe
reaches beyond Mars and even our own solar system, according to a University
of Colorado at Boulder space scientist.
Bruce Jakosky, a scientist at CU-Boulder's Laboratory for Atmospheric and
Space Physics, said new findings over the past decade indicate life could
have been present on Venus in the distant past when the sun was cooler, that
life may now be present on Jupiter's moon Europa, and it may have developed
on several other planets or moons harboring water. Recent planet discoveries
outside the solar system are tantalizing hints that life could have formed
elsewhere, he said.
Scientists believe the requirements for primitive life forms like bacteria
are water or some other type of liquid, a source of energy, and access to
elements to construct complex molecules, said Jakosky, a professor in
geological sciences. "If life can form as easily as we believe it did on
Earth, we should find evidence of it on Mars and perhaps other planets and
The implications of studying the earliest history of life on Earth are that
microbial life can form relatively easily under the right conditions, said
Jakosky. Actual searches for life on these other planets will be used to
test the theories.
He discusses these issues and the potential for life elsewhere in his new
book, "The Search for Life on Other Planets," published this month by
Cambridge University Press.
"The search for life on other planets has undergone a rebirth in recent
years," he said. "Although the scientific impetus has come from significant
new discoveries in biology and astronomy, the search itself is driven by the
human desire to explore," he said. "I think the most significant aspect of
what is happening today in the space sciences is that we are actively
looking for life elsewhere.
"Exploration is the driver, and I think a lot of people want to understand
what it means to be human," said Jakosky.
According to Jakosky, three major discoveries in the past 500 years have had
huge impacts on space exploration. The discovery by Copernicus in the 1500s
that Earth orbited the sun and was not the center of the universe; Charles
Darwin's work on evolution in the 1800s, which essentially removed humans
from the center of life on Earth; and the discovery of planets elsewhere in
the universe.
"We are living in a unique time," he said. "In the past three years, we have
discovered about a dozen planets outside our solar system, and there will be
more to come. The challenge now is to find new techniques to see if
Earth-like planets are present out there." To date, the planets discovered
outside the solar system are Jupiter-sized or larger, but new techniques are
being developed that may be able to detect Earth-sized planets, he said.
"There is tremendous interest on Earth about extraterrestrial life," said
Jakosky, the new director of LASP's Center for Astrobiology. CU was selected
in July as one of NASA's 11 new Astrobiology Institutes that will focus on
interdisciplinary research on life in the universe. The CU-Boulder center is
funded by a five-year, $3 million NASA grant.
Jakosky also is teaching an undergraduate class on extraterrestrial biology
this semester that filled quickly with students majoring in a wide variety
of topics, from philosophy, physics and music to anthropology and economics.
"They all are interested in finding out whether there is life elsewhere," he
The discovery of strange, primitive forms of bacterial life on Earth in
recent years that live in near-boiling hydrothermal vents undersea or in
volcanically active areas is a revolution, he said. "There is no reason that
organisms like these could not exist in similar environments that occur on
other planets," he said.
Jakosky's new book is divided into three parts: what we know about the
origins of life and evolution on Earth; a look at planets and moons in our
own solar system for life potential; and the formation of planets around
other stars and assessing their potential for microbial or intelligent life.
"Twenty years ago, we thought there was only one planet in the solar system
capable of supporting life," said Jakosky. "Now we know there may be as many
as a half-dozen. We are the first generation in history with any real chance
of discovering life elsewhere. Jakosky's book will be in bookstores in
October 1998.
- 30 -
Note to Editors: Bruce Jakosky will give a free public talk about his new
book at the CU Museum on Oct. 7 at 7 p.m. Refreshments will be provided.
Andrew Yee
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 08 октября 1998 (1998-10-08)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Hubble Probes Outer Limits At Next Space Science Update
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Don Savage
Headquarters, Washington, DC October 6, 1998
(Phone: 202/358-1547)
Bill Steigerwald
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
(Phone: 301/286-5017)
Ray Villard
Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD
(Phone: 410/338-4514)
The next Space Science Update (SSU), called "The
NICMOS Deep Field: Probing the Outer Limits," is scheduled
for Thursday, Oct. 8, 1998, at 11 a.m. EDT, at NASA
Headquarters in Washington. A "long exposure" infrared image
taken with Hubble's Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object
Spectrometer (NICMOS) has uncovered the faintest galaxies
ever seen, possibly the farthest objects known in the
Panelists will be:
* Dr. Rodger I. Thompson, NICMOS Principal Investigator,
University of Arizona
* Dr. Alan M. Dressler, Astronomer, Observatories of the
Carnegie Institution, Pasadena, CA
* Dr. Lisa Storrie-Lombardi, post-doctoral research
associate, Observatories of the Carnegie Institution
* Dr. David S. Leckrone, Hubble Space Telescope Senior
Project Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,
Greenbelt, MD, panel moderator.
The SSU will originate from the NASA Headquarters
Auditorium, 300 E St., S.W., Washington, DC, and will be
carried live on NASA TV with two-way question-and-answer
capability for reporters covering the event from
participating NASA centers.
NASA Television is broadcast on the GE2 satellite,
transponder 9C, at 85 degrees West longitude, frequency
3880.0 Mhz, audio 6.8 MHz. Audio of the broadcast will be
available on voice circuit at NASA's Kennedy Space Center on
407/867-1220, 407/867-1240 or 407/867-1260.
- end -
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 08 октября 1998 (1998-10-08)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Douglas Stetson To Manage Solar System Exploration Office
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PASADENA, CALIF. 91109. TELEPHONE (818) 354-5011
Contact: Mary Beth Murrill
Douglas Stetson has been named the manager of the Solar
System Exploration Program Office in the Space and Earth Sciences
Program Directorate at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He
replaces John C. Beckman, who was recently appointed manager of
JPL's Systems Division, overseeing space mission development.
Stetson, 39, has held a variety of technical and managerial
positions since he joined JPL in 1983. He spent about 10 years
in JPL's Mission Design section, specializing in orbital
mechanics and planetary mission design and engineering. During
that time, he served as the lead mission design engineer for the
Cassini mission to Saturn early in the project's history, and was
the study lead for a large number of advanced planetary concept
From 1992 to 1993 Stetson worked at NASA Headquarters,
Washington DC, in the agency's Solar System Exploration
Division. Since returning to JPL he has been heavily involved in
strategic and technology planning for JPL's solar system
exploration program and has continued to work closely with the
NASA Office of Space Science.
Born in Sacramento, CA, Stetson attended Stanford University
and received a bachelor's degree in physics in 1981 and a
master's degree in aeronautics and astronautics in 1983. He
resides in La Canada-Flintridge, CA.
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 08 октября 1998 (1998-10-08)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Cassini Update - October 5, 1998
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PASADENA, CALIF. 91109. TELEPHONE (818) 354-5011
Cassini Mission Status Report
October 5, 1998
Cassini, launched flawlessly on its way to Saturn one year
ago on October 15, continues to operate in excellent health as it
cruises through the inner solar system.
Routine spacecraft "housekeeping" duties were conducted over
the past month, including a readout of data from Cassini's
attitude and articulation control subsystem and regular
maintenance of the solid-state data recorder. The quarterly
engineering maintenance was also performed, involving exercise
and lubrication of moving parts such as the reaction wheel
assembly and main engine's gimbal actuator.
Today, Cassini is traveling at a speed of 73,900 kilometers
per hour (45,920 miles per hour), having flown more than 958.8
million kilometers (595.7 million miles) on its long trajectory
through the inner solar system. Today, the spacecraft is 192.2
million kilometers (119.4 million miles) from Earth.
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 08 октября 1998 (1998-10-08)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: STARDUST Comet Mission Educator Fellowships Available
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PASADENA, CALIF. 91109. TELEPHONE (818) 354-5011
Contact: Mary Beth Murrill
Educators are invited to apply for 15 new fellowships offered by
NASA's Stardust comet sample return mission, which is managed by NASA's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA.
An announcement of opportunity for the fellowships is being
distributed to solicit applications from professional science educators
including classroom teachers, curriculum specialists and museum or science
center staff, who would be eligible for selection and training in early
1998. Those chosen will join 10 Stardust Educator Fellows who were selected
last year to conduct educator training and to field test workshops and
materials relating to the Stardust mission and comet science in general.
The fellowships are part of Stardust's education and outreach
program, which, with the Challenger Center space education organization, is
implementing a nationwide teacher training initiative and developing
educational modules targeted at grades 5 through 8.
Stardust Educator Fellows will receive an expense-paid intensive
educator training workshop covering the Stardust mission and science related
to the mission; a three-day course on presenting the strategies of mission
planning and a complete teacher-training presenter package to use for
conducting Stardust workshops; priority updates and mailings on Stardust
mission information and materials; materials to help plan and promote
Stardust workshops; continued contact with the Stardust science team to
answer questions and to facilitate discussion, and access to a 1/25th scale
model of the spacecraft on loan from JPL.
In return, selected fellows must commit to conduct a minimum of two
educator training workshops per year (approved by the Stardust education
outreach team) and to share evaluation information from those workshops with
Stardust educational partners.
To receive the announcement, please contact Kerri Beisser at
Challenger Center either by e-mail to kbeisser@challenger.org or phone at
(703) 683-9740. When leaving a message, please include a mailing address or
FAX number where an application may be sent.
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 08 октября 1998 (1998-10-08)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Antarctic Ozone Depletion Sets New Size Record
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David E. Steitz
Headquarters, Washington, DC October 6, 1998
(Phone: 202/358-1730)
Lynn Chandler
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
(Phone: 301/614-5562)
Stephanie Kenitzer
NOAA/NCEP, Silver Spring, MD
(Phone: 301/763-8000, ext. 7007)
RELEASE: 98-178
NASA and NOAA satellites show that the Antarctic ozone
thinning covers the largest expanse of territory since the
depletion developed in the early 1980s. The measurements
were obtained this year between mid-August and early October
using the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) instrument
aboard NASA's Earth Probe (TOMS-EP) satellite and the Solar
Backscatter Ultraviolet Instrument (SBUV) aboard the NOAA-14
"This is the largest Antarctic ozone hole we've ever
observed, and it's nearly the deepest," said Dr. Richard
McPeters, Principal Investigator for Earth Probe TOMS.
Preliminary data from the satellites show that this
year's ozone depletion reached a record size of 10.5 million
square miles (27.3 million square kilometers) on Sept. 19,
1998. The previous record of 10.0 million square miles was
set on Sept. 7, 1996.
The ozone level fell to 90 Dobson units on Sept. 30,
1998. This nearly equals the lowest value ever recorded of
88 Dobson Units seen on Sept. 28, 1994, over Antarctica.
Scientists are not concerned that the hole might be
growing because they know it is a direct result of unusually
cold stratospheric temperatures, though they do not know why
it is colder this year. The decrease in ozone, however,
could result in more acute solar or ultraviolet radiation
exposure in southern Chile and Argentina if the ozone hole
were to pass over that region. One of the primary concerns
with an ozone hole of this size is that as the hole "breaks
up," the ozone-depleted air will diffuse and reduce the
overall ozone levels in the mid-latitudes of the southern
These ozone losses are caused by chlorine and bromine
compounds released by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons.
Year-to-year variations of size and depth of the ozone hole
depend on the variations in meteorological conditions.
Scientists believe that the decrease in Antarctic ozone is
attributed to unusually cold (by 5-9 degrees Fahrenheit)
temperatures in the southern middle and polar latitudes.
"This year was colder than normal and therefore enables
greater activation of reactive chlorine that ultimately
causes more ozone loss and lower ozone levels," said Dr.
Alvin J. Miller of the National Centers for Environmental
Prediction (NCEP).
This decrease in ozone was observed earlier than usual
with the hole opening in mid-August about two weeks before a
typical year. This is consistent with expectations, since
chlorine levels have slightly increased since the early
As a result of international agreements known as the
Montreal Protocol on ozone-depleting substances (and its
amendments), chlorine levels from CFCs already have peaked in
the lower atmosphere and should peak in the Antarctic
stratosphere within a few years. As we move into the next
century, chlorine-catalyzed ozone losses resulting from CFCs
and other chlorine-containing species will be reduced.
"An ozone hole of substantial depth and size is likely
to continue to form for the next few years or until the
stratospheric chlorine amount drops to its pre-ozone hole
values," said Dr. Paul Newman at NASA's Goddard Space Flight
Center (GSFC), Greenbelt, MD. "The decrease in chlorine in
our atmosphere is analogous to using a small air cleaner to
recycle all of the air in a large indoor sports stadium -- it
will take a very, very long time."
Scientists and others have a keen interest in ozone
depletion, given that the increased amounts of ultraviolet
radiation that reach the Earth's surface because of ozone
loss have the potential to increase the incidence of skin
cancer and cataracts in humans, harm some crops, and
interfere with marine life.
NASA and NOAA instruments have been measuring Antarctic
ozone levels since the early 1970s. Since the discovery of
the ozone hole in 1985, TOMS and SBUV have been key
instruments for monitoring ozone levels over the Earth.
Analysis of TOMS and SBUV data have traced in detail the
annual development of the Antarctic "ozone hole," a large
area of intense ozone depletion that occurs between late
August and early October. Analysis of the historical data
indicated that the hole has existed since at least 1979.
A Dobson unit measures the physical thickness of the
ozone layer at the pressure of the Earth's surface. The
global average ozone layer thickness is 300 Dobson units,
which equals three millimeters or 1/8th of an inch, and while
not uniform, averages the thickness of two stacked pennies.
In contrast during these annual occurrences, the ozone layer
thickness in the ozone hole is about 100 Dobson units (1/25th
of an inch or 1 millimeter thick), approximately the
thickness of a single dime.
Ozone shields life on Earth from the harmful effects of
the Sun's ultraviolet radiation. The ozone molecule is made
up of three atoms of oxygen; ozone comprises a thin layer of
the atmosphere which absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation
from the Sun. Most atmospheric ozone is found in a thin
layer between 6-18 miles up.
TOMS ozone data and pictures are available on the
Internet at the following URL:
or through links at URL:
TOMS-EP and other ozone-measurement programs are key
parts of a global environmental effort of NASA's Earth
Science enterprise, a long-term research program designed to
study Earth's land, oceans, atmosphere, ice and life as a
total integrated system. Goddard developed and manages the
operation of the TOMS-EP for NASA's Office of Earth Science,
Washington, DC.
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Дата: 08 октября 1998 (1998-10-08)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Mars Surveyor 98 Update - October 5, 1998
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October 5, 1998
John McNamee
Mars Surveyor 98 Project Manager
Mars Climate Orbiter: Launch -66 days
The Pyro Initiation Unit (PIU) interface reverification was completed
Mars Polar Lander: Launch -90 days
Planetary Protection inspection and assay tasks were completed. The
lander is on the Pathfinder rotation fixture, however mechanical tear
down activities required to replace the Power Distribution and Drive
Unit (PDDU) and Command and Data Handling (C&DH) boxes have been
slowed due to questions regarding safety procedures. Expect these
issues to be worked on October 6.
For more information on the Mars Surveyor 98 mission, please visit
our website at:
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 08 октября 1998 (1998-10-08)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Mars Surveyor 98 Update - October 6, 1998
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October 6, 1998
John McNamee
Mars Surveyor 98 Project Manager
Mars Climate Orbiter: Launch -65 days
The Deep Space Network (DSN) end-to-end compatibility testing is in
progress and should complete as scheduled tommorrow. Based on further
review of Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) data, the Project has
decided to inspect the orbiter Pyro Initiation Unit (PIU) for cracked glass
body diodes and rework the box as necessary as was done on the orbiter
and lander Power Distribution and Drive Unit (PDDU) and Command and Data
Handling (C&DH) boxes. A schedule replan meeting will be held tommorrow.
Mars Polar Lander: Launch -89 days
The lander cruise stage and backshell were removed as scheduled. The
lander PIU was removed for inspection and rework of cracked glass body
diodes and excess conformal coating per the FMEA review cited under the
orbiter report.
For more information on the Mars Surveyor 98 mission, please visit
our website at:
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 08 октября 1998 (1998-10-08)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: STARDUST Update - October 2, 1998
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STARDUST Status Report
October 2, 1998
Ken Atkins
STARDUST Project Manager
Note: This report covers progress for week ending September 25 also.
Travel requirements precluded posting last week.
Assembly, Test, and Launch Operations (ATLO) activities: For the week of
Sept. 25, the major event was completion of system thermal vacuum
testing, and, after the test, moving the spacecraft and its electronic
ground support equipment (EGSE) back to the Multifunction Test Facility
(MTF). The very successful system thermal vacuum test series was
completed two days early and showed excellent flight system performance
through the simulated flight environments. Needless to say, the team was
very pleased with the completion of this major test.
Another very key milestone was completed this week with the delivery of
the flight aerogel collector to Lockheed Martin Astronautics in Denver,
Colorado. This means it is now ready to install in the Sample Return Capsule.
The STARDUST video feed from Lockheed Martin Astronautics is back online
after the Thermal Vacuum Test.
STARDUST's Outreach and Opportunity Office participated in a JPL
Commercialization & Technology Transfer workshop with industry this week.
Entertainment, toy and other business and industry representatives were
briefed on several missions and the event provided a forum for ideas for
possible future ventures involving JPL and commercial interests.
Installation of the microchips with everyone's name is scheduled for
October 12. Photo coverage is planned so everyone can observe and
imagine themselves "boarding the flight."
For more information on the STARDUST mission - the first ever comet sample
return mission - please visit the STARDUST home page:
Hа сегодня все, пока!
Дата: 08 октября 1998 (1998-10-08)
От: Alexander Bondugin
Тема: Scientists announce plan to guide satellite operators through meteor s
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Centre for Research in Earth and Space Technology
Toronto, Ontario
Scientists announce plan to guide satellite operators through meteor storm
Toronto, October 7, 1998 -- A team of Canadian scientists working with the
Centre for Research in Earth and Space Technology (CRESTech) outlined today
a global operation aimed at safeguarding the world's 600-plus satellites as
they head into the first serious meteor threat of the modern space age on
November 17, 1998.
Though the risk of damage from the Leonids meteor storm is considered slight,
a number of international satellite operators, including those of the United
States Department of Defence, the European Space Agency and the Canadian
Space Agency, are working with CRESTech to reduce the odds of impact from the
natural space debris forming the comet trail into which Earth will soon pass.
The Leonids are a swarm of metoroids that intercept Earth's orbit to some
degree every year, usually with little more fanfare than a spectacular night
of watching shooting stars. This year, however, the storm will reach levels
not seen in over thirty years as Earth travels directly into a path of
interplanetary flotsam flung by the four-kilometer-wide Comet Tempel-Tuttle.
That last peak occurred in 1966, at a time when only a handful of small
scientific satellites were in operation. Currently, there are estimated to
be well over 600 operational satellites in Earth's orbit, transmitting
signals 24 hours a day for services such as search-and-rescue, entertainment
broadcasts, telecommunications, as well as the global-positioning system (GPS)
used by commerce, transportation industries and military forces, among others.
"In the last 30 years, people in technologically advanced countries have
developed a strong dependence on a wide variety of satellite services,"
explains Peter Brown, the University of Western Ontario astronomer leading
the CRESTech science team. "Unfortunately, if even one satellite was disabled
during the storm, it may not only be a multi-million dollar disaster for its
owners but may disrupt services for up to millions of clients."
Peter Brown is organizing the Canadian science team providing the hurricane-
style forecast of the shower's activities to satellite operators around the
world during the peak night. Clients include the United States Space Command,
the European Space Agency, the Canadian Space Agency, Canada's Department of
National Defence and several other government and commercial organizations.
For more information, please contact:
Andre Bellefeuille
CRESTech Communications Manager
Office: (416) 665-5464, Cell phone: (416) 707-9120
email: andre@admin.crestech.ca
CRESTech Observation Campaign for the Leonid Meteor Storm 1998
Statement of Problem
Many scientists believe that between 1998-2002 there may be a large,
transitory increase in the meteoroid hazard in the near-Earth space
environment resulting from the Leonid meteor shower. The Leonid stream,
which emanates from the constellation of Leo and orbits around the Sun, has a
33-year travel cycle. It peaks over a three-to-five year time span matching
the period during which the parent comet (Comet Tempel-Tuttle) travels closest
to the Earth. Historically, there have been observations of over 40 visible
meteors per second to ground observer during the climax of these storms. This
peak period is normally preceded by a few years of build-up, during which an
indication of potential activity can be recorded from the ground. This
increase in activity is roughly 10,000 times the norm and results in an
accumulation equal to that of several years regular activity in our skies.
There is a general consensus within the scientific community that some
enhanced activity will be realized due to the next shower, however useful
predictions are not possible due to limited historic data. During the last
major meteor storm, in 1966, satellites were much smaller and less numerous
than today. Today there are estimated to be between 600 and 750 operational
satellites in Earth's orbit. While many space-faring nations, predominantly
the United States, have devoted considerable resources to measuring and
understanding "space weather" phenomena caused by solar activity and other
aspects of the space environment, meteoroid activity has not figured
prominently in this effort.
The hazards to spacecraft result not only from the large number of meteoroids,
particularly those of smaller masses, but from the high speed of the Leonid
meteoroids (72 kilometres per second). The effects of such impact may range
from infrastructure damage to the more serious threat of electro-static
discharge generated from such an impact. Such charges could interact directly
with a spacecraft's electrical systems and essentially "short-circuit" the
satellite. The latter effect has been proposed as the likely explanation for
the loss of ESA's Olympus telecommunications platform in 1993. All satellites,
both military and civilian, at all orbital altitudes are at risk from this
natural threat.
Extensive work has been performed by the University of Western Ontario in
London, Ontario, under the funding auspices of the Toronto-based Centre for
Research in Earth and Space Technology (CRESTech), to model the physical
processes resulting in the appearance of this storm. This unique model allows
for predictive capabilities so long as appropriate observational data are
available to constrain the initial conditions. However, observational data is
not yet sufficient to provide accurate forecasts of the shower over the next
five years. Observations made in 1997 indicate that, and agree with, the
recent discussions at an American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics/Aerospace Corporation Conference proposing that activity level
may reach as high as 10,000 naked-eye observable meteors per hour.
The International Program
In 1997, the primary participants in the project were NASA, the United States
Air Force (USAF), the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), Canada's Department of
National Defence (DND) and CRESTech. With the increasing awareness of the
Leonid threat, the participants in the 1998 project are the USAF, CSA, DND,
the European Space Agency (ESA), and a major American commercial operator.
There is also identified interest from TEKES (Finland), and the Societe
Europeene des Satellite (SES).
Organization's participating in the operational portion of CRESTech's program
will receive real-time data on the storm's build-up rate, peak and general
activity. It is expected that these data will be used by some satellite
operators to take one of several courses of action in the event that peak
activity reach dangerously high levels. Among those actions are: changing a
spacecraft's attitude (i.e. pointing direction) to avoid being hit in crucial
or delicate areas; powering down an endangered spacecraft so as to avoid a
massive electrical discharge; or riding out the storm with enhanced ground-
station teams in order to react quickly to storm-generated anomalies.
The Observation Campaign
Location: The two sites best suited, and thus chosen, for the campaign have
been determined as south of Ulaan Baator, Mongolia, near the Gobi Desert,
and at the Royal Australian Air Force's Tindal military site in Northern
Australia, just south of Darwin.
Instruments: The 1998 campaign will employ two methods of data collection:
radar and Low-Light-Level Television (LLTV) observations. Both are capable of
measuring the smallest meteoroids (which are the population relevant to the
space hazard) and each can be used to establish their physical parameters.
The Mongolia site will host two LLTV sites (each with approximately five
camera), and the Australian site will host one radar site as well as one
LLTV site (with two cameras).
Science Team: The CRESTech science team includes Dr. Jim Jones, Dr. Alan
Webster, Dr. Kerry Ellis, Dr. Wayne Hocking, Dr. Martin Beech, Dr. Robert
Hawkes, Ms. Margaret Campbell and Mr. Peter Brown, whom acts as the Project
Manager. This represents the largest group of meteor specialists in the world
with a most varied list of strengths. Dr. Hawkes (Mount Allison University,
Sackville, NB) is the world expert in application of video technology to
meteor observations and heads the LLTV component of the program working
along with Ms. Campbell (University of Western Ontario). Drs. Jones, Webster,
Hocking (UWO) and Ellis (CRC Ottawa) are world leaders in meteor radar
systems, observations and analysis. Dr. Beech (University of Regina) and Mr.
Brown (UWO) have studied and adapted models of the stream and liaise with the
satellite community in an effort to understand satellite effects of the storm.
No other single group has the equivalent breadth of scientific expertise in
this field.
For more information, please contact:
Andre Bellefeuille,
CRESTech Communications Manager
Office: (416) 665-5464, Cell phone: (416) 707-9120,
email: andre@admin.crestech.ca
Andrew Yee
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